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Where is your Birthday Certificate Barack Obama?

Donald Trump

Latest controversy to hit American President Barack Obama is about his nationalism and his rights as an American. Donald Trump, CEO of the trump organization, is the one to start up the controversy over Birth date certificate by asking a  simple question “Where is your birthday certificate Mr. Obama” .

We must first try to understand American sentiments. Its an American belief and moral that people who lead them must be from them, that is, an American by birth.

According to Donald Trump,  Barack Obama is not an American by birth. To prove it, he is pulling over a crowd via television, social networking to question Obama’s authority.

After proving his birth as an American by producing his own birth certificate, Donald Trump goes on to say , “Now, this guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn’t. And I didn’t think this was such a big deal, but I will tell you, it’s turning out to be a very big deal because people now are calling me from all over saying, please don’t give up on this issue.”

You can view Donald Trump’s birth certificate by clicking here

I believe its unfortunate to come up with such an issue on a mere birth country rights. If Barack Obama does not clear the air on this regard, i am afraid his birth day controversy will be bragged by the general media which will eventually lead to his negative publicity.

Are you an American. If so, what is your stand on the President? Share your thoughts with us via comments.

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  • Montana

    I really hope one of these retreads and blowhards runs for president, not because they have a chance of winning but because I like to see the train wreck that they will cause.

    Faux News Candidates:
    former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ”The I graduated Early”,
    former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga. “The I Love The Interns”,
    former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee “The Huckster Reverend”,
    former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “The I Love the Gays”,
    former UN Ambassador John Bolton “The I Love The War ”

    I Finance Myself:
    real estate celebrity developer & 1999 US Prez. Candidate, Donald Trump, “I took my Casino into Bankruptcy, just imagine where I can Take the US”
    former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney “The Flip-Flopping Fudger”,
    former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush “The I Am Not My “Dumb Ass” Brother”,

    Employed Long Shots:
    Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. “The History, I Don’t Need No Stink’n History”,
    Mississippi Gov./ former tobacco lobbyist, Haley Barbour “The last White Hope”

  • http://yahoo MMP

    I am tired of individual trying to break our president down, because he is black.The past presidents we had no one question them at all about their certifcate or experince.We have too much going on in america,like the job market, housing,and our school system is breaking down. We need to focus on the america people who are hurting out her.

    • Frankie

      Some argue that Trump went through a bankruptcy etc. Well…where Obama admnistration is leading the US then? Are we going toward prosperity and healing the devastated public finances? I don’t think so. While Trump had his downs he resurrected and is a successful entrepreneur what the past two to three presidents have done to the American economic machine? They have destroyed it. So, the argument is flawed. Obama, Bush, Clinton etc have indebted this Country more and more and we already bankrupted years ago! The other comment about the eligibility: so the Constitution doesn’t matter anymore just because you need a job? Before the question has never been raised because there were no doubts when the vetting was done properly. Obama candidacy has been pushed through with inappropriate vetting by the National Congress of the Democrat Party in 2008! That’s why!

  • Adrius42 do I thus need to disbelieve all the fire articles?

    • ClaudiaJon

      Please go through all articles before coming to a conclusion…


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