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September 11th (9/11)



Today is September 11th 2009. Its been 8 years since that black day. But its still fresh in our minds. That day has re-written forever what must come to our mind when we hear Sept. 11 or 9/11. “Terrorists” has been officially tagged to this day.

So, I really didn’t want to make this post. I just want this day to pass without having to go through that pain all over again. But we have the responsibility to remember and salute the people who lost their lives on this day.

I started snooping around major news sites trying to find out whats really going on. I came to know that a new website has been launched. The website allows people to post their memories of 9/11. The Memorial Museum is to be launched on Sept. 11th 2012. A preview of it is available in their website

WashingtonPost reported how students are reacting to this day in school, about what actually they feel. But they all agree that they want to remember 9/11 as a lesson not a memory.

What are my thoughts ? I don’t want to even think about it. I have been having a hard time purposely trying to avoid recollecting anything that I saw that day on TV. Its just too Horrible!! Its been really hard with the media giving it too much coverage. I guess I just have to avoid TV too today.

PS : I purposely avoided posting the picture of plane crashing into the tower!

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