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School Denied Boy Lunch Because He Was Short Of $2.45, School Dumped His Lunch In Garbage

School Denied Boy Lunch Because He Was Short Of $2.45, School Dumped His Lunch In Garbage

Now here is a model school that everyone should know about. Dominic Gant, a junior at Dowagiac Union High School in Dowagiac, Michigan was refused lunch because he couldn’t cough-up $2.45. The school publicly humiliated him in-front of all the students and they dumped his lunch in garbage.

Our schools these days care a lot about our kids well being, don’t they? They are ready to trash the lunch rather than feed a kid who was ready to pay the balance of $2.45 the next day.

Dominic Gant’s mom Amanda Keown came to know and furious as she was walked into the school the next day and paid $200 to cover 19 students lunch expense. And yes, the school did accept it. What can we expect from kids when all that their school thinks about is money?

Amanda Keown frustrated by her experience, too her plea to social media. She said, “I kept picturing the elementary kids and what they have to be thinking going through the same thing”. Keown aired her grievances on Facebook and friends and acquaintances sounded off with corresponding stories. Then she posted a petition to to bring more attention to the issue.

Isn’t this down right wrong? Has money really preceded everything? Tell Us.

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  • Guest

    You cannot blame the school son. Encouraging post payment could turn out costly to the school when other kids do the same.
    The school cannot afford the payment if the trend continues!
    You want food, pay the correct price and get it. This is not a charity event. Its a management thing.

    • ClaudiaJon

      It is because of people like you Humans are not Humans anymore, but machines.

      • guest

        Theres nothing to be emotional here. Even kindness has its place. School cannot be ran on emotions of others like you. Oh Yes, if you can give donation or Government pays for the food, then the school would have no issues to loan the food to the kid. But otherwise, get in line with the right cash son.

  • Mark

    I grew up in the age of corporal punishment, and I think I’d rather get the strap at home than be humiliated in front of the entire student body. Some lessons an individual learns, without a crowd of spectators. Shaming lets everybody know you messed up. It gives everyone a glimpse into your lowest moments, when there are some things that should just be addressed privately, unless we are willing to publicly praise and celebrate every achievement, act of kindness and occasion when someone goes above and beyond, we shouldn’t make a public spectacle of every misdeed. Many people act kindly anonymously, because they don’t want their positive contributions to be regarded as extraordinary. For most people, acts of kindness are very ordinary, as are acts of stupidity, ill thought out acts, oversights (such as not having as much money as you thought in the lunch line) and misdeeds. How about just setting the kid’s tray aside and letting him know he’ll need to come back just a few minutes before the end of lunch? No discipline was necessary, so the dumping of the lunch in front of the line was unnecessary. Tell the kid no when he doesn’t have a bunch of kids within earshot.