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Obama Ruining The Dignity Of President’s Office ??

A recent commentary by John Hull on Yahoo Contributor Network seems to insist that Obama has ruined the dignity of the President Office more than any other Presidents. The reason is because he and the First Lady appear in more trash television shows.

Remember when there was a sense of dignity in the office of president of the United States?

Even Bill Clinton could, as the phrase goes, act like he’d been there before, yet after almost 3 1/2 years into his presidency, Barack Obama could be the figurative love child of bumbling Mr. Bean and Ryan Seacrest who is seen and heard everywhere, including airport radar, as radio host Mark Levin often quips.

Since becoming president, Obama has made such dignified appearances as pretending he didn’t know who Snooki was on “The View,” as reported by MediaIte, to mocking the disabled on “Late Night with Jay Leno. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama has been seen dancing on Nickelodeon’s “iCarly,” working out on NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” playing tug ‘o war on Jimmy Fallon, as well as appearances on “Sesame Street,” David Letterman, “Ellen” and many more. AllVoices has counted 44 appearances for the first lady.

The latest embarrassment to the office is Obama’s recent “Slow Jam on the News” with Jimmy Fallon, with the band The Roots. This is the same band that played Fishbone’s song that contains expletives when then presidential candidate Michele Bachmann appeared on the low-rated late night show.

To be fair, Obama isn’t the first president to disgrace the office by appearing on these shows, but he is, hands down, the most recurrent. Weasel Zippers reports Obama has surpassed Ronald Reagan, a former actor, in TV and movie appearances. It should be noted Reagan had enough class to steer clear of lowbrow TV appearances while president.

Clinton was featured on the “Arsenio Hall Show” playing sax while a candidate, but even he had enough class to stay off of trash TV once elected.

You have to hand it to Obama though, even with 122 fundraisers 94 rounds of golf and 17 vacations as of April 20, according to American Freedom he still finds time to impede economic progress, increase the number of citizens reliant on welfare and blame everyone from ATM machines to Republicans “sipping on a Slurpee” (Red State) to blaming George W. Bush for his failures and making America a laughing stock for the rest of the world.

Obama is also raffling tickets to a fundraising dinner George Clooney is hosting. What is the price for a ticket to eat with the “warrior of the middle class”? $35,800, a year’s salary for a middle class worker.

Who is the game show host type that’s out of touch?

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