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Kissing students steal the show at president’s photo op

A little romance in the top row definitely stole the show of this presidential photo op.

Kissing students steal the show at president’s photo op

President Obama poses with students in Florida. (Courtesy @barackobama/Twitter)

President Barack Obama surprised the students at Daughter of Zion Jr. Academy in Delray Beach, Fla., with an unscheduled stop after a campaign event at Delray Beach Tennis Center on Tuesday.

The kids were standing outside their school to wave to the motorcade but got an even more personal response: The commander in chief stopped and took a photo with them.

But perhaps the biggest surprise of all was the kissing pair photobombing the president.

Obama, sitting in with the students, balances one child on his knee with no idea of the romantic drama going on above him.

The cute photo of President Obama with the adorable sight of the kissing students caught the attention of the Web, and Twitter named it “photo of the day.”

As for the president’s rival, former Gov. Mitt Romney has also gotten the Web buzzing with his own surprise photo op. This picture was taken when Romney made an unscheduled stop at a Chipotle restaurant in Denver on Oct. 2.

The only employee who seems to have a normal reaction is the guy to the right of Romney. The disbelieving employee, Marty Arps, who is pointing at the GOP nominee, said his facial expression is just something he does when he’s excited.

Mitt Romney poses with excited Chipotle employees in Denver. (Charles Dharapak/AP)

Mitt Romney poses with excited Chipotle employees in Denver. (Charles Dharapak/AP)

Courtesy: Claudine Zap, Yahoo News

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  • DEAN


  • Howard Kauffman

    WTF is a little kid like this doing kissing a girl at school in the first place . Who did he learn this behavior from ?

    • David McDermott

      A child kissing a friend on the cheek isn’t a vulgar act. Don’t jump to conclusions.

    • ishiibrad

      Just because you have to pay some she-boy for sex doesn`t mean everybody else does !

  • r green

    actually very cute. i would go for a kiss on the cheek to some girl i liked when i was 6

  • CamoCoyote

    Future food stamp, subsidized housing, Obamaphone, Obamacare, and welfare recipients…

  • Ollie Oxenfree

    Was Hussein visiting Kenya in that picture???