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Tibetan Mastiff-A chinese Sacred Animal

Tibetan Mastiff, The chain-link steel began Rales we freak out. In each rattle, looked nervously toward where the sound came.

The source? A giant Tibetan mastiff, standing at least 3 feet tall and weighing between 130 and 150 pounds. Inexplicably, he was chained to a platform right at the entrance to the fair Tianjin dog, ensuring a rude welcome for all individual wandering in the event in this great city in northeast China.

There was no shortage of this dog. And if not bark the fear of God for you, there was a woman in high heels and short skirt made up firmly the direction away: “Be careful. It’s a bit temperamental.”

When the chain was not anchored to a steel cage, which was conducted by an individual lying on a folding chair. Somehow, just the arm, not his body, every time you threw the barking mastiff jumped to a new operator.

We began looking for something safe to climb. But everywhere around us mastiffs: some as large, but none seemed as temperamental. Most, in fact, they were puppies. All were available for sale or for breeding.

“A sacred animal”
The stuff of legend, the Tibetan Mastiff is considered the watchdog of the former Himalayan kingdom of Tibet and the reputation of being the original source of many breeds of large dogs today.

“In China, people think of the Tibetan Mastiff as a sacred animal … a blessing for health and safety,” said Wen Li, a spokesman for, a website about Tibetan mastiffs, which helps organization of fairs like the dog one in Tianjin.

In recent years, as the Chinese middle class has expanded and dogs have become popular pets, the appeal of Tibetan mastiffs has grown exponentially – so much so that at the fairs just for this race take place several times a week during the show season three months (dogs fall during the summer, so the best time for farmers is present in the spring.) And as its popularity has grown so prices have made the biggest races – 500 percent per year.

This, apparently driven by Chinese millionaires. “Most of the buyers are wealthy people, as entrepreneurs,” said Wen. “The new rich want to show their status of owning a dog beautiful, makes them feel very secure and powerful.”

In that case, Cai Li and his wife should be full of confidence. Last November, the couple from the provincial capital of Xi’an and forked over 600,000 Tibetan mastiff breed called Yangtze River Number Two, and organized a fleet of twenty Mercedes-Benz for the house of slimy beast black hair.

I like Tibetan mastiffs, they are really faithful to the owners and are fierce,” said Cai, a forty-year-old businessman who was evasive about his source of income.

Yangtze River Number Two has been so difficult, according to Cai, because of their bloodlines pure. With its immense popularity and high prices that are sold, it is increasingly rare to find a purebred Tibetan Mastiff. Breeders had scouts told us that standing in places like Yushu, Qinghai (a western Chinese province on the Tibetan plateau beaten by a great earthquake in April), seeking to steal mastiffs.

Only one accessory?
In fact, Cai ferocity seemed a bit scared of the Yangtze River Number Two, while his wife in a home video, he seemed happy with it, romping through fields of grass with the giant dog at his heels.

In fact, the number two of the Yangtze River was held in a large cage during our visit to the country house of the couple in the hills a couple of hours outside of Xi’an. At least he was in good company; Cai has at least 40 hounds another, each in a cage.

The fact that dogs are kept behind bars reinforces the criticism that animals are just status symbols for millionaires looking to show off


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