India in Swine Flu Fear
A Series of Swine Flu death in India has made the country in grave Panic.The Sub Continent now has 4 confirmed deaths due to Swine Flu.
The first death due to Swine Flu was reported in Pune. Rida Sheik, aged 14, a girl studying school was the first victim. After the media aired the report, panic struked India as forest fire leading all the parents with their children storm the local hospitals. Government of India cleared the air urging the nation not to panic. But the words from Health Ministry was not able to console the public.
The second death due to swine flu was reported in Mumbai following Pune death that made the panic in real tragedy. Public went real mad after hearing the series of death taking the matter very serious.
The third death again was reported in Pune last night, August 8. A teacher of 43 years was the third Indian victim to Swine Flu.
The death is the mere case. The testing that the public in Pune undertook with panic was also a blessing in disguise. The testing done on the people help the medical officials confirm of more swine flu positive people.
The sad part here is, many school students are the victim of Swine Flu.
This morning August 9, the fourth death and the first from Gujarat was reported. Pravin Patel, an NRI, aged 40 is reported to be death. The news is currently hot topic in media. Pravin Patel was tested positive for Swine Flu just a day ago.
Following the situation, Health Minister Gulam Nabi Azad is trying to clear the panic but always quoting “We have sent the medicines to eight major cities of India .NO NEED TO PANIC”. But he is unaware that the situation is changed from mere panic to a grave tension and real unease in public.