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Principal’s Zipper Comment’s to a Female Student sparks panic!

Principal, the first person responsible for the functionality of an university has landed himself in an serious issue. The Principal,G.K. Gauba, who heads the Dr HS Judge Institute of Dental Sciences has all the reasons to worry after his  force over a female student to un-zip her coat sparked a panic in the Punjab university.

The principal defense is that, “the girl was wearing an “indecent and vulgar” dress” which he wanted to correct. The girl,however, claims, she got the T-shirt as a gift from her US-based cousin. The T-shirt had the slogan ‘I love New York’ printed on it with a heart drawn over the letters.

As the word goes, an issue to a student is the issue of every student,  there was a huge crowd gathering in the college campus where the fellow students along the staff went on a strike demanding justice.

R.C. Sobti,the vice-chancellor (V-C) of the university,upon receiving the complaint from the victim and her parents, added,  “I have received a complaint from the girl and have constituted a five-member committee to look into the allegation”.

Sobti, further added, “The committee would be headed by the president of the Punjab University Teachers Association and would have four women members”.

“Gauba does not have any legal or moral authority to comment on students’ clothes,” a student said.

Students alleged that the principal had a history of “harassing girls”. They also accused him of threatening to mess up their careers by giving less marks in internal assessment. This is not the first time that Gauba has courted controversy. A fourth-year student had earlier complained to the Vice-President — who is also the chancellor of the university — against him. She had charged Gauba with making “ advances” at her, but he had denied the allegation.

Sobti admitted that there was a complaint against Gauba last year. But in an apparent attempt to defend the principal, he said: “ That complaint was in some different context. The girl could not clear the test at that time. We had conducted a special examination to redress he grievances,” Sobti said. He said he would also ask the committee to find out why Gauba courted such controversies frequently.

Report Contribution Yahoo!

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