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Kwanzaa Principles

Winston-Salem, NC– The Urban League of Winston-Salem is one again holding a Triad wide celebration of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa begins the day after Christmas and tonight’s celebration and kickoff will honor the first of seven principles–Unity.

The seven principals Kwanzaa celebrates are what some may consider to “transcend” racial boundaries, but the holiday that was invented by a jailed activist doesn’t ring true for most Americans. Why? Because it was clearly designed for non-white citizens only, which in itself is a divisive and racially motivated.

The seven guiding principles (or “Nguzo Saba” which means “Seven Principles of Blackness) of Kwanzaa, which are celebrated like Hanukkah in that one each is celebrated druing the seven days of Kwanzaa with a lit candle on their version of a Menorah, are:

Unity (Umoga), Self-determination (Kujichagulia), Collective Work and Responsiblity (Ujima), Cooperative Economics (Ujamaa), Purpose (Nia), Creativity (Kuumba), and Faith (Imani).

Kwanzaa Principles

The fact that the founder of this so-named holiday, Maulana Karenga, who changed his name from “Ron Everett” in the 1960s, created it while incarcerated as a “black activist” in 1971. Karenga and  two other US (United Slaves, an organization which he founded) members were convicted of felonious assault and false imprisonment for having tortured two female United Slave members, Gail Davis and Deborah Jones.

During his imprisonment, of which he complained bitterly, saying it was overly harsh and accusing officials of ignoring his parole requests, turned to Marxism during his jail stint.

In Karenga’s embrace of Marxism, he found a new means of revolution, that is, to change the black culture from within, primarly by finding the means through which to unite black citizens as a “cultural nationalist”, to use his own words.

Kwanzaa, which was created to reunite and enrich the African American community for a reorientation of values, and to reinforce their black identity. However, some observers have noted that the seven principles are identical to those of the Symbionese Liberation Army, a domestic terror group that reigned during the 1970s.

In the mid-1960s, he gave himself the title “Maulana,” Swahili for “master teacher,” and is now widely referred to simply as Maulana Karenga. Professor Maulana Karenga has been Chairman of the Department of Black Studies at California State University since 1989.

Go here to read more detail regarding the Karenga and his controversial self-created holiday known as Kwanzaa. It is now celebrated by millions of black citizens worldwide, most of whom have no knowledge as to its founding, or its founder, who is viewed as both visionary and criminal.

People can enjoy art, music, and dance as you celebrate Umoja, the Kwanzaa principle of Unity. The fun begins at 6:00pm at Winston-Salem Urban League Bldg. 201 W. 5th Street, Winston Salem.

Cost: Free!

For more information click on Kwanzaa.

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