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Infosys HR satish murders wife priyanka- How it happened?

Infosys HR has accepted that he killed his wife Priyanka because she was stopping him for an illegal affair with other woman.

How it happened!

On Tuesday morning while returning home from jogging, Infosys HR finds his door locked. After waiting for few minutes ringing the bell, he  decides to take the duplicate house key from his office. So, he goes straight to office, and returns home after an hour since his wife called for help informing him that there are 2 strangers in home.

He opens the door and finds his wife murdered. He later informs family and police on the incident.

He looks very dreadful. One could tell he was the most troubled guy on Earth living at that time.

Indian Police investigates the Scene and files FIR. Police suggests they are considering every angle of murder also adding they cannot avoid Husband role in the murder and the reason for it is listed below.

Infosys HR mistakes that made him a suspect

1) He went for Jogging with leather shoe.

===========Police says who on Earth will jog in Leather shoes?

2) Techie had his company Id card with him.

===========Techie claims he had it with him for safety and personal identification.

3) Why didn’t he rush straight to Police Station or break down his door, instead of going all the way to the office for getting the key

==========Techie adds he was dumbstruck after he received no reply from his wife. So he decided to take duplicate key from office.

That’s it the report was over and he went out for his normal life.

A week past, on 13 aug 2010, Indian police tracked him down with an woman and found out the real reason behind the murder.

Why Infosys HR killed wife?

Wife Priyanka, was in his way from having an illegal affair with other woman. Priyanka who is a teacher herself continuously warned the techie to stop seeing other woman. Unbearing it, the techie killed her.

This  unfaithful person calls himself educated???  Out of lust he killed his wife and now he cannot escape the law. This is a stain for all Educated people.


How Satish Gupta killed Wife Priyanka!

Satish asks his wife to play hide and seek with him. Agreeing on Husband’s request, Priyanka covered her eyes with black clothes.

Satish grabs priyanka and asks her to sit in a chair. Unaware of what is going to happen priyanka obeyed that.

Utilizing the opportunity the Psycho HR, tied her with robes.And Strangled her. Making sure she is dead. He then cuts her throat down.

The blood which ran over the floor also spilled over his jogging shoes. He removes  the shoe and hides it. And later  goes up to jog with leather shoes.

This is what Satish confessed to Police.

Sources say, The motive behind the murder of Priyanka is due to Strained relation which they both shared.

The earlier information on Wife Priyanka calling Satish stating 2 strangers were in the home is a drama created by Satish. Being a techie himself, Satish managed to confuse the cops and create a story of wife calling him for help.

However, truth has finally been revealed!

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  • karthik

    The writer of the article does not even know that a HR is not a techie. He might be thinking that all ppl working in Infosys are techie .. what non sense

  • voice india

    Let peace prevail everywhere. The world has enough to meet our needs, not our greeds. Man and Woman were made to live together – not to trouble each other or kill.

  • Anjaneya Ganesha

    What a joke??? How do you know the Infosys hr had an affair with another women. Usually people who publish such articles are themselves party to some sort of criminal activities in their lifes, and by publishing such articles without knowing the facts, try to project themselves as saints. What this man Satish Gupta did, was nothing but a demonic act, whatever the circumtances murder can never be justified.