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Indian Man marries bride with fire burns

There may be a million marriages happening all over the world, but the marriage that took place between a Muslim man named Yunus Shaikh and her bride Taslim Shaik is worth to be called an heavenly marriage.

The marriage between the couple has proved to every soul in the world that a man’s  commitment is more important than any other promises.

Taslim Shaikh, a young resident of Vatva, was engaged to Yunus Shaikh and was to be married on Saturday. However, in a quirk of fate, she received severe burn injuries four days ago while she was cooking and had to be moved to L G Hospital.

Yunus, who remained firm in the marriage, said, “Come what may, I had decided that the nikaah would be solemnised on the appointed date and I resisted any move to stop it”.

The parents and relatives approached the L G Hospital authorities with a request to let them arrange for a simple nikaah. The authorities were reluctant in the beginning, but later relented and arranged for a separate room for the event.

Taslim’s mother was the happiest of all present. “I am feeling very lucky to have such a noble person as my son-in-law. He did not turn his back on my daughter, which he could do very easily and justifiably,” she said.

Yunus said by marrying Taslim, he had only fulfilled his promise he made to her out of his love for her. “So what if she has become a victim of circumstances.”

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