Sunday , 9 March 2025
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Three Teenagers Stamp a new born deer to death

“This is the most barberic act that was ever heard of ” says Pc John Snellin, wildlife officer for Dorset Police, who has a personal experience of 23 years in the concerned wildlife field.

This incident was first witnessed by a dog walker named Keith Arthurs, who was on a normal walk with his dog in Upton Country Park, near Poole. He seems horrified by the incident. He recalls the incident saying that, “the teenagers first hit the fawn on the head and then made it lie down stamping it for several minutes taking turns”.

The police are now on lookout for the teenagers. Mr. Arthurs said that he didnt intervene in the incident as he was afraid of being hurt by the teenagers who was wearing hoods. The RSPCA collected the body and took it to Lynwood Vets in Wareham.

This incident just clears the fact that the teenagers today need counselling mentally.

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