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London Rioters loots London city

Disgusting and shameful act is being carried out by London Rioters who are in the process of looting every shops in the riot hit streets of London City.

Police have identified most of the rioters as the young people who are in school leave. The Rioters have used network of Gangs to start the protest.

To know the reason behind the London riots, visit here

Now, that you know the source of the riots, one may wonder whether taking up arms against police is the best option to prove one’s anger.

But whats happening in the London city is , Most people are doing riots to loot the shops and not for the death of Mark Duggan.

That is very wrong. Taking up arms have never proved one’s right in any form of history.

Protesters should have dealt with the Police via Law.

Looters Identifed

Prof John Pitts, a criminologist who advises several London local authorities on young people and gangs, says some of those taking the lead in the looting will be known to the authorities, while others are swept along.

He says looting makes “powerless people suddenly feel powerful” and that is “very intoxicating“.

“The world has been turned upside down. The youngsters are used to adults in authority telling them they cannot do this or this will happen. Then they do it and nothing happens.”

He says a large number of youngsters are involved in these riots because it is the school holidays and the nights are longer.

Numbers are all important in a riot and the tipping point comes when the rioters feel in control, he adds.

“You cannot riot on your own. A one-man riot is a tantrum. At some point the bigger crowds confronting the police realise that they are in control.

Psychologist Dr Lance Workman says, “Humans are the best on the planet at imitating. And we tend to imitate what is successful. If you see that people are walking out of a shop with a widescreen TV and trainers, a certain kind of person thinks why shouldn’t I do that?”

Now, this is turning out very bad. The few people who started the protest might be thinking What have we done?

The more number of onlookers have joined the protest and are hunger in Theft and looting.

What started as a Rightful protest have ended with  unlawful act of theft and looting of other people property.

Are you from London? Are you present in the riot hit region? Whats your take on the entire story? Share with us via comments.

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