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Julian Assange Freed On Bail!

Yes,yes and yes, Julian Assange is freed on Bail.

Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange who was facing a rape trail  has been given bail by a British Court on Tuesday.

Let the readers note, Thfire assumes that Mr.Assange is an accused and not convicted. If at any point Julian Assange found guilty in the trail. Then we are against him.

For now, till proven guilty, we are Supporting him!

However, Julian Assange has to obey certain Court conditions to get a bail.

Conditions given to him is that he surrenders his passport, put up $315,000 bond, obey a curfew, and wear an electronic monitor.

Pretty tricky ah!

CNN reports the conversion between the Judge and the Attorneys. And it continues below

During Tuesday’s hearing, Assange’s team of attorneys argued that since he is only wanted for questioning, he is presumed innocent. The magistrate agreed.

Attorney Geoffrey Robertson told the court a person who knows Assange will keep him “if not under house arrest, at least under mansion arrest.” At that, Assange, dressed in a white shirt and a blue jacket and sitting in a glassed-in corner of the court with three security guards, smiled wryly.

The mansion, belonging to Vaughan Smith, a former British army officer who founded London’s Frontline Club, is within a mile of a police station, attorneys said, adding that Assange was prepared to wear a location tag, surrender his passport and agree not to apply for international travel documents.

But, said Gemma Lindfield, the attorney representing the Swedish prosecution, “The court has already found that Mr. Assange is a flight risk. Nothing has changed in this regard.”

She said if the alleged offenses had occurred in Britain, “it undoubtedly would have been a charge of rape in this jurisdiction.”

Those in attendance at the hearing included Fatima Bhutto, niece of the late Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto and current Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, and prominent left-wing journalist John Pilger.

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