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Jesus was married says Gospel of Jesus’ Wife!

 Jesus wife papyrus: Was Christ married?A newly discovered centuries old Gospel known as The Jesus wife papyrus or Gospel of Jesus’ Wife is contains text that quotes Jesus referring to his spouse. This simply invalidates the foundation of the Christian religion.

It is arousing the question of whether Jesus was married. The scrap of ancient papyrus was written in the fourth century. Its discovery is being credited to Harvard Divinity School professor Karen L. King, however, it was actually brought to her attention by its current owner in 2010.

The Huffington Post reported, “The part of it that’s drawing attention says, ‘Jesus said to them, my wife’ in the Coptic language.” The tiny fragment of papyrus that bears this shocking revelation is only the size of a business card, and it has not been carbon dated or otherwise verified. However, that hasn’t stopped King and her peers, Roger Bagnall, director of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World and Princeton University professor Anne Marie Luijendijk, from declaring its authenticity.

On Sept 18, 2012, King appeared at the International Congress of Coptic Studies conference in Rome, Italy where she spoke about the newly discovered text:

“Christian tradition has long held that Jesus was not married, even though no reliable historical evidence exists to support that claim. This new gospel doesn’t prove that Jesus was married, but it tells us that the whole question only came up as part of vociferous debates about sexuality and marriage. From the very beginning, Christians disagreed about whether it was better not to marry, but it was over a century after Jesus’ death before they began appealing to Jesus’ marital status to support their positions.”

The Jesus wife papyrus, or Gospel of Jesus’ wife, is privately owned. Its owner wishes to remain anonymous. The owner acquired the text in 1997 in a collection of papyri obtained from its previous owner. The fragment was accompanied by a description, handwritten in German, that claimed the text was the sole existing example of documentation of Jesus’ marriage.

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