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Announcement to be made on ‘God Particle’ next week ?

Looks like the science folks are abuzz with rumors floating that the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) who have been working on Large Hadron Collider (LHC) might have found something about the so called ‘God Particle’ also known as the Higgs Boson.

So, what is this God Particle, Higgs Bason ?  The scientists just call it the Higgs Bason. The name ‘God Particle’ was given to it by the media just to create some hype. The truth is this isn’t really that significant as the media name suggests it to be. The Higgs Boson is theorized to be the “force carrier” of the Higgs field — a field thought to permeate the entire Universe, endowing matter with mass. Only by using powerful particle accelerators like the LHC do we stand a chance of seeing these mysterious particles.

The scientists at LHC are going to make some announcement next week and the word is this might be about Higgs Bason.

fter gazillions of particle collisions and countless rumors of Higgs discoveries, we have… yet another rumor of a Higgs discovery. But this time, the rumor seems to be meatier than ever.

According to, CERN’s Scientific Policy Committee will be meeting on Tuesday (Dec. 13) to discuss, amongst other things, an update on the search for the Higgs boson. Teams from the LHC’s ATLAS and CMS experiments will be in attendance.

Interestingly, as noted by the’s science correspondent Ian Sample, the head scientists of the two groups will be there to give the Higgs update. “That in itself is telling – usually more junior researchers present updates on the search for the missing particle,” Sample pointed out in his Dec. 6 article.

According to comments left on a number of particle physics blogs, the word is that the LHC is closing in on the Higgs.

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