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Tag Archives: Teenagers

How often do American teens text?

In the world of science and technology, the human dependence and adoption of the worldly material has increased 1000 times higher then it was 100 years ago. Recently, a survey conducted by Nielsen study examining teenage mobile-phone usage around the world concludes that American teens text more than six times an hour while they are awake. Teens have really taken ... Read More »

Mystery Creature Found in Panama

I found this strange article in and wanted to share it with you guys. Four teenagers while playing near the cave of Panama saw a shocking structure thing and they killed that creature. On Saturday while they were playing in the town of Cerro Azul North of Panama City they saw the thing moving on the caves. While explaining ... Read More »

Teenage Pregnancy Rates Decreasing?

For many, this statement is authentic. In the United States, teenage pregnancies are decreasing. The reasoning ranges from safe sex programs and the parents being an operational part in their child’s life. There are ample of reasons why teenage pregnancies are decreasing in the last few years in the United States. When the statistics reveal that these figures are decreasing, ... Read More »

Concert Cancelled after a boy was stabbed

A famous event has been called off  in Southwark park in Uk after a teenage boy gets stabbed at the leg. The event was actually been good till the incident occured people at the scene said. The concert was also about to see the US singer Alexander O’Neal  who flown from US to have a performance here. Though the boy ... Read More »

Three Teenagers Stamp a new born deer to death

“This is the most barberic act that was ever heard of ” says Pc John Snellin, wildlife officer for Dorset Police, who has a personal experience of 23 years in the concerned wildlife field. This incident was first witnessed by a dog walker named Keith Arthurs, who was on a normal walk with his dog in Upton Country Park, near ... Read More »