U.S President Barack Obama has revealed that he feels the economy is as broken as it had did four years ago, when he took office. He’s most frustrated by the inability “to change the atmosphere” in the capital “to reflect the decency and common sense of ordinary people” who want leaders to solve problems. He adds “there’s enough blame to ... Read More »
US Marriage drop rate on a Record High!
Marriage rates are dipping down faster than the World economy. A recent research from pewcenter on the drop in marriages shows how sick the society have become. Barely half of all adults in the United States—a record low—are currently married, and the median age at first marriage has never been higher for brides (26.5 years) and grooms (28.7), according to ... Read More »
Obama Birth Certificate Released By White House
The White House today released President Barack Obama’s birth certificate under the orders of the President himself. Obama also gave a briefing to the press announcing the release of his birth certificate and a Presidential scolding for the press for concentrating on “silly” things rather of issues that concern the nation’s future. Looks like the President really lost his patience ... Read More »
Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, American President Barrack Obama
After 7 years of war in Iraq, the American President has announced that Operation Iraqi Freedom now comes to an end. “Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country,” he said, according to the excerpts. The president addressed the economic crisis in America by talking about how restoring prosperity ... Read More »
Interest rate Back to form in Australia!!!
The temporary burial of Interest rate in the world has again CAME back to life. Is it ridiculous, well Australian Government has come out and declared that the interest rate will be increased to 3.25% from 3%. Australia who avoided the Recession last year was a lone nation to survive from the wrath of Economy downfall when the entire world ... Read More »
Managing Monthly Mortgage Payments
I know many of you are having a tough time making your monthly mortgage payments in these times of bad economy. If you really can’t handle it with your current financial position, that’s not the end of the line. There may be options available to you that can help make it easier to keep up with those monthly bills. Look ... Read More »
California Gold Rush 2.0
The California Gold rush is back after 160 Years. This time it seems to be recession driven. The number of people coming to California to pan for gold is up as the economy has gone down. Professional gold panners say they make an average of $60 to $80 in a day, but most amateurs who do it recreationally make significantly ... Read More »