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Tag Archives: Crash

Hackers hack Twitter and Facebook”

Twitter and Facebook the place where bloggers, users hang out was  hacked by hackers for atleast 2 hours this thursday. Both the Networking sites have not only the users but celebrities , president,sportsperson and many more  Powerful person in the world along with the users. The hacking was called DOS Denial of service. Though they successfully disrupted the service for ... Read More »

Guinness Record for longer nails has been broken

Guiness record for longer nails was finally  broken .It was done by not any other person  but  accident broked it.  Ms.Redmond who  hold the record of  long  nails suffered a serious accident in a crash and is expected to recover soon. The same cannot be  said to her  nails. It was damaged beyond recovery.Lee redmond  is from salt lake city,utah ... Read More »