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Tag Archives: Cameron

David Cameron Protects 1%, says Ed Miliband

Ed Miliband, a Labour Party Leader, has spoken magic words that probably what millions of  people already knew about. Miliband says, “Cameron is protecting the wealth and interest of 1% and leaving 99% unprotected”. Yahoo Uk! reports, Accusing the Prime Minister of sticking up for the wrong side, he said: “David Cameron really is doing a terrific job looking after ... Read More »

Crackdown on Social Media begins!

After vowing to defeat the rioters, Prime Minister Cameron has succeeded in stopping the rioters in most part of London by deploying thousands of cops and arresting hundreds of  rioters. However, an interesting action has been taken to stop the riots and the rioters  in future. PM Cameron has decided to stop the rioters using Social media. “Everyone watching these ... Read More »

US Court denies Winklevoss twins request on Facebook Settlements

Winklevoss twins who tried their best to back away from the settlement controversy with  Facebook has ended up being denied by a U.S. federal appeals court. Winklevoss twins, earlier,accused Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for improperly appropriated their idea for the social networking site. If you see the movie “The Social Network”, you might get a clear idea of what it ... Read More »

Former US Presedent’s Grandson ARRESTED!

The grandson of Ronald Reagon,  40th President of the United States was arrested today at his parents house in LA. The police arrived there after someone in the house pushed a panic bottom. When LAPD officers arrived at the home, Cameron Reagan — son of political radio host Michael Reagan — was screaming profanities at the cops. Reagan was ultimately ... Read More »