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Wrestlemania 27 matches and results

Wrestlemania is back!! Wrestlemania, the action packed event which the entire world awaits will begin at April 2, 2011.

This Wrestlemania 27 is going to be far more superior than previous Wrestlemania for  three reasons.

  1. We have Rock hosting it.
  2. We have Stone Cold acting as the guest referee for the match between Jerry the King Lawler Vs Michael Cole.
  3. Finally, we have Shawn Michaels who said he could not miss the greatest moment of the Wrestlemania. Shawn said this at the final edition of Raw before Wrestlemania 27.

Confirmed Matches:

The Rock will serve as the Guest Host

  • The Miz vs. John Cena for the WWE title
  • Undertaker vs. HHH for the streak match which is a No Holds barred match
  • Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World heavyweight title
  • C.M. Punk vs. Randy Orton
  • Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan for the United States Title
  • Jerry the King Lawler Vs Michael Cole  with Stone Cold as Guest Referee
  • Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Our Thoughts on the Matches

The MIZ Vs John Cena

I believe, John Cena will win the title. As we see a huge story line building up between John Cena Vs Rock , i am surely expecting a title clash between the two.

After what we witness in the latest edition of Raw telecasted before Wrestlemania 27 where John Cena puts the Rock under Attitude Adjustment. I am sure that Cena will win the match against Miz, followed by the Rock challenging him.

Undertaker Vs Triple H

No doubt at all! I am very sure that Undertaker will win the match thanks to the outside interference of Shawn Michaels.

Uh Uh, WWE will not give up the Undertaker 18 – 0 streak. I think they will maintain it until Undertaker reaches 20 – 0.

That’s why we saw Shawn asking Triple H ” What in the world that made you think that you could do what i couldn’t? “

I believe they have made the match as a No Holds barred match so that Shawn can act as an catalyst for Undertakers victory.

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World heavyweight title

Edge will win the crown . According to me, Edge will be given the center-stage at Wrestlemania. I feel, Edge is nearing retirement so its high time they give him the moment which he deserves like any other legend.

C.M. Punk vs. Randy Orton

I dont know what will WWE plan for this match. I am not sure, but i feel punk will make it.

Jerry the King Lawler Vs Michael Cole  with Stone Cold as Guest Referee

Absolutely, no doubt at all.  Jerry the King Lawler will achieve his first Wrestlemania moment with the help of  Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Rey will be victorious in this match.

Well, as said above, lets wait for the real event to kick start.  I will update the Wrestlemania 27 results here once the matches commences.


Wrestlemania 27 results are out. Click here for the results

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