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Batista coming back to WWE

Is Batista returning to WWE? Rumors say  ‘Yes’. The information broke out like a fire after Batista gave a short interview.

Batista told – “I will not be doing MMA/Strikeforce any time soon. So you can see me in the future of the WWE”.

Now lets dig deep into the rumors and try to find whether it is possible for him to return back to WWE.

If you analyze why Batista’s  left WWE, he did it  in mood of disappointment of not having him take the opportunity like movies which other superstars often get.

If i could stress a specific member, it would be Cena and Triple H. Both superstars are enjoying their life with great offers from WWE.

Now, Batista after leaving WWE tried hard to get into a job and considered fighting with Bobby Lashley, a star of MMA.

But for whatever reasons, he has not yet signed the contract or competed against him that leads Batista to get into a job.

Its  a known fact that  WWE is the only company that pays its superstars more than any other wrestling company.

I just hope Batista puts his past behind him and return back to WWE. If  Batista returns as the anonymous general manager of  WWE , that would be exciting as we already see a match building up between Rock and Cena.

This Wrestlemania 27, we have the Rock hosting the show. For more on the story CLICK HERE

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  • http://juno kelly

    um well i hope he returns cuz i watched it that time mostly caue of batits, cena, and more but that was like always and i mean always an O MU FREE KING GOSH! WHATS GONNA HAPPEN?! moments. It gave me a thrill to watch it so i aam hoping he returns but if not its ok i guess its definately GREAT! ACTUALY OVER THE TOP! so idk what else toi say!!!!!!!!?????????

  • sujan liyanagamage

    glad to heard your return.i am from srilanka we are waiting for your arrive.i suppose you will be a good wrestler again like 2007 year.

  • Rebecca

    I.m freakin happy to hear you might be coming back to wwe. I will be wairing your return.

  • thegame

    i love batista, please come back to wwe

  • thegame

    batista you comeback to wwe, then you attack alberto delrio

  • david

    batista is my love. is my dream. is my life. please come back to wwe. please.

  • S.Michelle

    i love batista, please come back batista. we miss you.

  • khun engkruy

    I Love Batista , Please come back to wwe , I Live in cambodia
    I Miss you very much , WWE Super star Batista

  • http://wwe Wee Port

    you suck, you call everything a fluke

  • prem

    batista u know i m happy u come back
    u know i m inspire to u
    and i m doing same like u
    come back soon

  • mara

    batista come back to wwe to face john cena alone cm punk by INDIA in chennai fans

  • Tamizhinian M


  • bhimasen biraj

    when you come back wwe…..

  • bhimasen biraj

    when u come back to wwe………

  • batista

    I’m returning to wwe and I’m going to attack: mark henry,the miz,alberto del rio and the rock

    • jeff

      when are you coming back to raw and take back the wwe title and put it back where it rightfully belong’s around your waist that’s what I thank about that. You are a fan of mine you are awsome so me.

  • reza

    we should say to batista eny where and wright it that ‘batista please come back for god ‘i love batista is batista going to wreslemania 28
    please answer me and listen my want

  • Sumit Rawat

    Batista when u come back, we are waiting to see u in the ring & please do not fight with John Cena. U & Cena is my hero…

  • Nikhil Biswas

    Hope u rturn fast and make a good return after 2 yrs

  • http://wwe AMAR

    Batista please come back……Still we are boring without you…pleaseeeeeeeeeee

  • http://wwe AMAR

    Batista i am a big fan of you. so please come back..Every shows same super stars. we want different s………Please come back….we love you

  • http://wwe Raja

    please come back soon to wwe. we waiting your show in wwe. please come back batista

  • chevon

    please come back to wwe we miss u

  • Timothy Kidd

    I hope you come back soon and before WrestleMania. You have always been one of my favorite wrestlers.

  • Kathleen

    he is coming back January 20th I cant wait