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WWE Elimination Chambers 2011 results

John Cena at Elimination Chamber 2011 Image Courtesy : WWE

The WWE Elimination Chambers 2011 took place at the eve of Sunday night on feb 20,2011. The results of the PPV is not a surprise for a WWE fan and here’s why!

John Cena  won the Raw Elimination Chamber Match:

Definitely, there is no surprise here. The Great One, People’s Champion “The Rock” wanted Cena to be at Wrestlemania 27 so that he could challenge Cena. As expected Cena won the Elimination Chamber match against 5 other superstars. He will now face the WWE champion The Miz at the Wrestlemania 27.

The Rock said he will see Cena face-to-face at Wrestlemania 27, now that means  John Cena is about to win his 10 th WWE Championship title at this Wrestlemania. I see a very great feud between John Cena and The Rock. For more on how John Cena Won the RAW Elimination Chamber Match, see the link

John Cena won the Raw Elimination Chamber Match

Edge retained his World Heavyweight Champion by winning the Smackdown Elimination Chamber:

There is no surprise here. Honestly, the WWE script writers are making out a feud between Edge and Alberto Del Rio. I dont see them stopping the feud in near future. For more on How Edge won the match, see the link below

WWE Champion The Miz defeated Jerry Lawler

Although, i admire the bravery of Jerry the King Lawler, i was really surprised to see him compete for the championship match.  I agree that he is a veteran, but at his age competing against the young Miz, surely he must have gone nuts. For more on the match see the link below

Alberto Del Rio defeated Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingstion

An exhibition match which i am sure was favored to Alberto Del Rio by the script writers. The reason is simple its Alberto Del Rio who is going to Wrestlemania 27 , not Kofi Kingston. They wanted to show how tough Alberto is and they did it. For more on the match see the link below

Heath Slater And Justin Gabriel defeated Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov

Finally, the Core gets the spotlight. For more on the match see the link below

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