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Dutch Airline KLM in Hot-Water Over World Cup Tweet!

Dutch Airline KLM in Hot-Water Over World Cup Tweet!

The Dutch Airline has paraded itself as being down right stupid for a tweet that it made over the World Cup.

The Netherland’s Royal Dutch Airline KLM lost their head when they posted a really racially insensitive tweet when its World Cup Team made a 180 in the final minutes of its match against Mexico to knock them from the tournament.

KLM came to its senses a few hours later and deleted the tweet. But the internet was quick it treasure it. Below is the tweet that KLM tweeted:

KLM-world-cup-tweetThis is not the first stupid World Cup tweet, our very own Delta Airlines tweeted a picture of a Giraffe to represent Ghana during that nation’s match  with the U.S. in the group stage. Giraffes, the world now knows, do not live in Ghana.

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