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YouTube Feather Is HERE!

Youtube Feather © YouTube

Youtube Feather © YouTube

If you are a regular visitor of you know very well it is known for sucking the hell out of your bandwidth. Well now after all these years youtube seems to have noticed it. YouTube Feather has been launched into the beta phase. You can now try it yourself. All you have to do is to visit: and Enable Feather.

I just tried it myself. Tried a few videos all seems same to me. Here is what youtube has to say about Feather :

“Feather” Beta

This is an opt-in beta for “Feather” support on YouTube. The “Feather” project is intended to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible. It achieves this by severely limiting the features available to the viewer and making use of advanced web techniques for reducing the total amount of bytes downloaded by the browser. It is a work in progress and may not work for all videos.

Your comments will help us improve and perfect the mixtures we’re working on. So jump in, play around, and send your feedback directly to the brains behind the scenes.

I didn’t find any difference with the videos I tried viewing. The all loaded the same. Nothing seems super fast. Well, I guess I was not lucky to find the videos in which Feather is supposed to work.

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