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Twitter Servers crashed with overloading New Year Greetings!

Twitter servers have been crashed today thanks to the overloading new year eve messages from its users therby displaying a message “Twitter is over capacity”.

Twitter, a well known world wide social networking site, was out of service for almost an hour today. The site crashed around 3 p.m. Saturday. It coincided with midnight celebrations in Japan when revellers were sending a record 16,197 tweets per second, the Daily Mail reported Sunday.

The site returned to working order but then stopped on several other occasions, prompting speculation that it was being hit by the arrival of New Year in different parts of the world.

Up to 250,000 people poured into Central London, some in Trafalgar Square and others watching the pyrotechnics centred on the London Eye, the Mail said.

I reckon, Twitter has some work to do for bigger occasions.

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