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Samsung to Announce Wireless Charging?

Magnetic resonance wireless charging by Samsung Looks like Samsung is on the verge of introducing wireless charging for all it’s 2014 smartphones. Samsung seems to be pretty serious and intense in it’s plan to get wireless charging on all it’s future smartphones.

Samsung is trying to use Magnetic resonance to get it’s devices charged without a connected.

According to Korean-language news agency ET News, Samsung is working with New Zealand startup PowerbyProxi to bring a new kind of wireless charging tech to its smartphones. The startup, which Samsung has invested in, is developing a magnetic resonance charging solution that is different from the various solutions that are widely available today.

Whereas wireless charging solutions currently utilized by Nokia and other smartphone vendors require that a device be properly positioned on a special pad in order to charge wirelessly, magnetic resonance is capable of charging devices even when only a portion of the device is touching the charging base. Devices that utilize magnetic resonance charging can also be charged when there is an obstruction between the charger and the device, or even when the device is held a few centimeters off of the charging pad.

Samsung handsets that incorporate this new magnetic resonance technology could hit the market as soon as the second half next year, according to the report.

Wireless charging isn’t a eureka idea, it has been around and quite a few models came out but none where good enough for the purpose.

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