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Is Apple Planning a iPhone Phablet? May 2014 Release?

Is Apple Planning a iPhone Phablet? May 2014 Release?

A little birdie is telling us that Apple is planning to release their very own iPhone phablet and will announce it this May and it should hit the markets by September.

How true can this be? Well, though there are reasons we can argue about on why Apple should not get its own phablet, Apple probably won’t.

According to the Chinese news site Huanqiu, Apple is at work on its first-ever phablet – a handheld device that splits the difference between a small tablet and a large smart phone. Huanqiu (big hat tip to the team at BGR) alleges that the Apple phablets would debut in May, months before the launch of the next iPhone, and would feature an A8 processor and a 5-inch-plus display.

While people continue to speculate that Apple will be launching a larger iPhone as its next iPhone. We really wonder if Apple would ever do that after all Steve Jobs believed that 3.5 inch is the display size for a phone.

But yes, competition are doing really good with their large screen devices. The iPhone 6 might just need that update but lets not make it too large. Don’t we have tablet PCs for that?

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