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False Flag Cyber Attack

False Flag cyber attack, a warning issued to pentagon. Recently USA has adopted strict policies to check internet data flow of a user without their knowledge. This law would gave the pentagon to question any individual that it might think a threat to the nation.

Some suggest that a possible cyber attack is possible due to USA policies on an individual freedom.It is assumed that some person might try and attack the cyber network because the pentagon is peeping their nose into his private work.

For a longtime, hackers have continuously spied  the security  of the nation. Some spy for fun while other do for money.

According to Evgeny Morozov, a researcher and blogger who writes about political events on the internet, has said that at times threats are due to government agencies and cyber-security companies causing a big hype to make themselves heard. If a threat was present, then legislation would give the U.S. president the authority to “declare a cyber security emergency” and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any “critical” information network “in the interest of national security.

Question is, when will a staged cyber attack happen? Presently, no-one has the answer.

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