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Whale Shark Found Dead In Arabian Sea

A 40-foot whale shark was brought into harbor in Karachi, Pakistan on Tuesday, Feb. 7. after reportedly being found unconscious in the Arabian Sea about 10 days ago, the Express Tribune reports.

Fishermen used several cranes to lift the whale shark to dry land, where a crowd of onlookers gathered to see the massive creature.

Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish, often growing to 40 feet or greater in length, National Geographic explains. Typically found swimming in warm, tropical waters, whale sharks are generally docile creatures.

After a 2005 assessment, the International Union for Conversation of Nature and Natural Resources declared the global whale shark population was vulnerable

For many years, whale sharks have been highly sought after by harpoon fisheries in Southeast Asia, where people primarily used the fish for meat and oil. However, it is now illegal to hunt whale sharks in several countries, including India and the Philippines.

Habitat damage has proven to be another threat to the whale shark population, according to the Whale Shark Project, a conservation awareness group. Pollution and overfishing near reefs often leads to a reduced available food supply for the creatures.

I leave you with this video.

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