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The Woman who cannot feel fear!

Nature’s blessings or self motivation, whatever is your opinion i am still in disbelief after coming across this piece of information.

A woman is reportedly to be the first of the case, who cannot feel Fear.

The woman has been tested in scary situations like threatening her with knife and by placing here alone in the haunted house, which normally makes other humans to piss in their pants, but the woman seemed unmoved and didn’t show any emotions.

Weird! isnt it!

She was even asked to handle the most dangerous snake called tarantula.

She showed no fear in any of the situations and had to be prevented from touching the tarantula because of the high risk of being bitten.

Researchers Got the Answers

Researchers at the University of Iowa said her inability to feel frightened was because she is missing a structure in her brain called the amygdala.

The structure has long been associated with emotional learning – experiments in animals have shown that removing it makes them fearless.

However, it has never been observed in a human before.

Lead researcher Justin Feinstein said: “Because she is missing her amygdala, she is also missing the ability to detect and avoid danger in the world.

“It is quite remarkable that she is still alive.”

The researchers hope that by studying the woman they can understand how the brain processes fear.

This could be useful in treating patients suffering from PTSD – such as soldiers who have been serving in conflict areas.

Mr Feinstein added: “Their lives are marred by fear and they are often-times unable to even leave their home due to the ever-present feeling of danger.”

By studying the woman, researchers hope to create treatments that selectively target the brain areas that can sometimes allow fear to take over.

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