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Short-tempered visitors make life hell for tourist site staff



AN angry tourist turned on staff at Edinburgh Castle after they told him that his son could not fire the One o’Clock Gun.

The incident was revealed after Historic Scotland disclosed that 30 of its workers had been physically or verbally attacked by visitors over the last three years. 

Black eyes and broken teeth were among the injuries suffered in other incidents.

One woman, who works at Edinburgh Castle, said: “You’d be surprised how angry people can get when they visit. I’ve seen visitors get hot under the collar from everything from the shop running out of a certain size of T-shirt to a man’s son not being allowed to fire the One o’Clock Gun.”

The documents, released under freedom of information laws, did not reveal at which Historic Scotland site each incident had taken place.

The incident logs show that in March 2007 one steward was beaten up by a visitor asking them to move a car parked illegally.

Source: Edinburgh Evening News

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  • schlang

    My first and worst experience when I started working in a theme park was with an Senior citizen Scottish man who was with his wife. And it was difficult to keep my composure because I am a very sensitive person. I had to muster all the patience I could just to keep a smile on my face because it was my job that was more important than my hurt feelings. It made me wonder why this guy even came to the park. Maybe his wife wanted to come. Maybe he did not even want to get out of bed. If I had been another guest or if this ever happens in the future I will just say, ” Let the guy do his job and stop harassing him. If you don’t like it go back to Scotland you asshole!” I remember my first day working at Universal Orlando, I was new so I did not have the hang of the job yet. I was working turnstiles and we had to check signatures on tickets and check the person’s I.D. The guy came up to the front of my line and started screaming, ” Her line is moving much faster than yours!” While he was screaming at me, he must have flashed his I.D. but I did not notice. Then when I asked him for his I.D. he screamed. “I JUST SHOWED IT TO YOU!” I thought to myself, ” well if you hadn’t been screaming at me, maybe I would have seen it” TALK ABOUT VILE AND DISGUSTING! Makes you wonder why people are so miserable. Do they live their daily lives like this? This must be what people in HELL are all like!