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Pictures of Seven Headed Snake

Boy!! its just creeps me out. I got this pictures from my friend and thought to share it with you folks.

Look at it man,  so far of our life we just heard stories of these mysterious creatures like Seven Headed snake, ghosts, vampires.

Now, the proof of seven headed snake rocks the world. The seven headed snake was found in Kukke Subramanya, Near Mangalore, Karnataka, India

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  • sucka

    Too bad that photo is fake…and I must say that it is one of the worst jobs done to try and create a credible story.

    • smitha

      shut up… if u cant trust god then go to hell.

      • Tommy

        Man! I really can’t believe how dumb people…… Have u ever heard of Photoshop? Trusting God is not an excuse to shut down your brain. If you believe in God use that goddamm rusted brain of yours! The best way to worship God is too fully use all that He has provided to you(brain included). I will gladly know the truth and go to hell then believe lies and go to hell anyway. Peace.

        • srinivas

          well said tommy

        • http://Formal Kalai

          I really say in ooty so shut ur crazy thought god is good

    • sunny

      well said sucka

  • Rakesh

    Ua right Tommy…. Itz absolute fake….


    Thats absolutely rubbish!

  • shiva

    I support smitha. Bcoz its nature and it has got the power to show you what you haven’t come across up til now. So stop showing your extra intelligence coz the more you are showing the more you are proving yourself a dumbhead bullshit. The most special thing is that I have seen that snake in my real life and i have also taken that in my hands. Smitha you are right. Thats what nature is all about.

    • Tommy

      If you find simple common sense as “extra intelligence” you really need to get your head checked. I guess that automatically answers the rest of your dumb comment.

    • Resheph

      You must seriously be retarded because that guy in the second pic would be fucking dead if that snake were real that “seven headed” snake is supposed to be a fucking king cobra with seven heads. You actually think if it really had seven heads and it was actually real that the dude in that pic would be less than 2 feet from the snake? Here’s an interesting fact about the King Cobra, its ranked the 4th most deadliest snake in the world so what would that make a “seven headed” cobra? Oh another thing about the king cobra a bite from the king cobra can cause the death of a healthy adult human within 15 minutes. So before backing someone up because they say its the work of “God” maybe you should verify your information.

    • Joseph

      There have been several pictures floating around of 5 headed and 7 headed Cobra snakes, such as worshiped by the Hindus. For those in the western world who may not know, Snakes, Cows, and Monkeys are worshiped as Gods in India. However, none of these five-headed or seven-headed snake pictures are genuine. They are in fact nothing more than digitally enhanced and manipulated versions of a set of photographs that show a normal, one-headed cobra. These photographs, (which have been published on a number of websites), also show the original source images used to create the fake 5 & 7 headed snake images: Such pictures could easily be created using ‘Photoshop’ which is a free software download.
      Ponder for a second – why has there never ever been any video capturing these reptiles, when in fact, even basic mobile phones now-a-days, have such capabilities?

    • cassidy

      are you serious………………that’s dumb bullshit!!!

  • http://- Shah

    Guys i would have believe this pic if the man in the second pic was not that close seriously bullshit

  • Boofa

    there is a possibility that the snake heads could have been defanged and that is why the guy is confident to stand so close knowing he can’t be bitten and die.

  • Lamb

    Oh all mighty lord give us the wisdom to make better use of photoshop and power to convince people of our shenanigans and kill them if they don’t. Amen

    • dharma

      r u mad there`re no more god man

  • mahesh

    its wonderful

  • ramesh n b

    Its unimgenble,but my brother seen lost fifteen days back ,at magadi ramanagar dist, karnataka state.he captured photo in his mobile.i can’t belive but i belived my brotherwards.

  • Rht Thr

    i don’t understand why the girl is saying dn’t u believe in god i mean wats the point? does she means that existence of 7 headed snake will now decide the existence of god lolz well i would have believed it if it was a 2 headed snake but 7 its jst unbelieveable n i havn’t seen it till now n if it really is then why itz not in discovery or nat geo…n guys 1st see such thing with your own f*** eyes and then comment just knowing a half part of story might be dangerous

  • http://gmail keerthana

    really i believe that this is true bcoz even i have a photo of a big seven-headed photo which do one of my friend have taken. It was in Tamilnadu in Erode district. Even i was shocked to see it first but well i believe it a lot……..

    • sunny

      you are layer

  • A.R.Venkateswaran

    The existence of seven headed cobra is true.Because very recently on the road side,near Hundai service station and show room in Palakkd one such serpant was found and photographed by one in a group travelling that way.iam ready to get that forwarded if you welcome the same.

  • Jitin

    mail me your pictures,,i ll fix yr head in that snake



  • Murthy

    In Hyderabad near patanchuru we found this type of snake a month ago. My friends saw it and took photos also. Before i here about this 7 head snake but unfortunately i could not see it. Exactly a month back on the day seasons first rain started this seven head snake came out on road leading to pashamylaram. Still it is some where in that area.

  • Joseph

    There have been several pictures floating around of 5 headed and 7 headed Cobra snakes, such as worshiped by the Hindus. For those in the western world who may not know, Snakes, Cows, and Monkeys are worshiped as Gods in India! However, none of these five-headed or seven-headed snake pictures are genuine. They are in fact nothing more than digitally enhanced and manipulated versions of a set of photographs that show a normal, one-headed cobra. These photographs, (which have been published on a number of websites), also show the original source images used to create the fake 5 & 7 headed snake images: Such pictures could easily be created using ‘Photoshop’ which is a free software download.
    Ponder for a second – why has there never ever been any video capturing these reptiles, when in fact, even basic mobile phones now-a-days, have such capabilities?

  • Slitherin Fred

    I wonder if they can read each others’ thoughts????

  • http://nil adnan

    natural beauty

      • Delight Okafor

        You are really naive and dogmatic depicting rebellion against a religion in the vilest way possible, hope you ain’t the admin of this blog/site

      • Peace

        You know you really are stupid not to mention some what racist. you think your so great for using your big fancy words. You are the most ignorant person I have ever met. from what I have learned Hinduism is a way of life you can be christen and Hindi. also a lot of different country’s practice this same religion. it douse not matter you do not go around bashing others believes. you would not like it if I bashed yours! why don’t you learn about the religion before say this crap! Your words are disgusting!

      • dddddd

        I don’t know much of Hinduism but I know when people are be racist and ignorant and you are there! don’t force your believes on to some one else. because I could easily say if I were Hindu at lest I don’t worship some one who’s not hear!
        and he or she has a god to worship already!

  • Katam Ganesh

    fake…………..fake…………fake………… adobe photoshop…

  • san
  • devsonga


  • Vien Nguyen

    why we care about seven head snake …people who can live and treat the other with thousand faces , why you care the snake only has 7 heads

  • Rebecca

    Wow, the religious and racial ignorance spouting from an edited snake picture is just disgusting! The second that I start to have faith in humankind, people show just how backward and under educated they really are. It doesn’t matter who or what you worship. LOVE EACH OTHER AND STOP SPITTING YOUR IGNORANCE AND INTOLERANCE ALL OVER OTHERS!!!!!

  • Facundo

    A picture can be manipulated in a digital ways like photoshop. Show us videos and i will believe that it exists. I’m a digital image specialist and i can judge either the picture is fake or genuine. So many hoax nowadays in the world wide web trying to deceive people.

  • Riz

    This is insane. A clear Photoshop work. Ghosh! People!! Wake Up!

  • LL Georges


  • chaththa

    Actually i must appreciate your ability to make jokes and keep us entertained…. but anybody … even a 10 year old child can do such a magic out of photoshop like in 10 min s … sorry you are out !! NEXT !!!