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Legos Spill on Highway!!

A Lego spill on Interstate 79 in West Virginia on Sunday has resulted in traffic congestion in the highway.

But a Lego truck didn’t topple causing the spill and the disruption, it was all from just one kid’s Lego collection.legos spill on highwayCNET reported that firefighter Eric McClain took a photo while helping with the cleanup, which he then posted on Facebook. The photo shows thousands of tiny Lego bricks scattered across the highway, while cops and firefighters direct traffic.

A woman named Tiffany Lantz saw the photo on Facebook and offered an explanation:

Those legos belonged to my 11 yr old son they where in totes strapped to the top of the durango they fell off strap came loose he cried it seemed like forever but I tried to recover as many as I could cause I don’t have the money to buy him anymore.

She then posted a quick follow-up:

Sry to anyone that got stuck in traffic.

Hmm, she didn’t update how many pieces she recovered. She should contact Lego, am sure they will generously replace her son’s toys as they do have a reputation of doing such things.

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