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Girls in North Carolina offered 1 dollar a day not to get pregnant

Absolutely odd program, conducted by the group called College Bound sisters at the university of North Carolina. And guess what the program is all about, you will cheek out. The main goal of the program is to prevent  the girls from the Age group of 12 to 18 years not to get pregnant.

The motivation for the girl is 1 dollar per day for not getting pregnant. Now this has brought very much mixed feelings from the parents and others around the locality. The purpose of  the program is to remove the teen pregnancy rate to lower rate.

Man this is really odd way to stop one from having a child at young age . To be honest, its  pretty good thing actually done towards the teen awareness which has become a important social issue for about a decade. The program is for 90 minutes, in which they teach lessons on abstinence and the use of contraceptives and plus ofcourse 1 dollar per day.

“It makes me a bit uneasy,” says Bill Albert, chief program officer at the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.

“I do have mixed feelings. It’s hard to pay people to do something that we think they should be doing regardless. It would be like if you didn’t want young people to experiment with marijuana, you’d pay them not to do it,” he said.

Dr. Hazel Brown, co-director of the program, added “We teach decision-making, being responsible and avoiding pregnancy. The meetings are very interactive,”. The program will be held twice in a week with the group is separated depending on the age duration. One group will see the girls of the age 12 to 14 and the other will contain the age of 15 to 18.

To participate, girls must have never been pregnant, be enrolled in school, have a desire to attend college and have had a sister who gave birth before age 18.The program is a success says Dr.Brown.

Well all we can add here is, this is an great stuff done by any group towards the young generation. Cause awareness not works all time and doing something like giving a dollar like stuff will attract people. Hope this follows in other states and universities, parents suggest.

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