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Facebook for your pets

Want to mark the presence of your pet in the internet ? Create a Facebook profile for him/her! Come on do it quick, this is what people everywhere are doing right now. As a pet owner myself the idea seems fun, but yes in a few days the profile will go inactive.

I just came across this article in CNN “People posing, and talking, as their pets on Facebook“. I was surprised at first but then you know  people do some crazy stuff when they have access to the internet.

The whole thing seems completely pointless. Whats the point in creating a profile for your pet and updating his status on your own ? Lack of friends ?

So many questions comes to me when I think about this. How can I approve a friend request if my dog doesn’t approve or like him?

This is what Kirsty Worrall(lady who created a FB profile for her cat) said,”Everybody seemed to be more interested in the cat than what me or my partner were doing,” said Worrall, who doesn’t have her own Facebook account. “I come from a family of huge cat lovers. They’re fascinated with Shiva … and they’ve been able to watch her grow through the Facebook page.”

One recent status update reads: “Shiva Lingham is very upset that Mummy and Daddy have only been eating vegetarian food! … Where’s the Beef!”

Well it does seems fun.

Facebook profile for your pet.

Shiva Lingham(The Cat), Kirsty Worrall(The Human) pose with Shiva's Facebook profile.

Meanwhile, Facebook is not happy with this. They say they accept only humans, not literally but something like that. This is what they said, “People on Facebook want to interact with their real friends and the people they know in the real world,” Facebook spokesperson Winnie Ko wrote in an e-mail to CNN. “Since accounts that impersonate anyone or anything can damage the integrity of this environment, Facebook doesn’t allow fake profiles for pets.”

One thing is for sure, I won’t create a FB profile for my pet. Its like creating a multiple personality for me.

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