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December 21 2012 Doomsday ?

Doom's Day

Doom's Day

This might seems crazy. But there are 100s of sites in the internet today regarding the theories of doomsday and that it is on December 21st 2012. Hey thats 3 days just before Christmas, not fair at all. Anyways, it all seems to have started after some guys found out that the Mayan calender ends on that precise date. The Mayan calender is centuries old and is supposed to be one of the most accurate calender in the world as it can predict exactly the solar and the lunar eclipse. But thats not all, there are more theories into this, some seems even stupid.

Maybe this is just the insane desire of human begins to watch and enjoy the event of a destruction.

There is also a dedicated site in the internet supporting this theory. Check out December212012. They also got a fancy countdown timer and lots of fancy t-shirts. Looks like they are looking forward for the end of the world. Whats with ads on the website, for a bunching of people looking forward to die why do they even care about making money ?

Well, according to me the only real way the world will come to an end is if us humans decided to destroy it. Check out Endofworld that guy seems to have a good sense of humor.;)

Post your comments on what your think about December 21 2012. Is it really the doomsday?

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