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Why my Computer System is getting infected with Virus and Trojans?

Is this your question? Tried of your system often getting infected with virus .I will update you on this issue to the best of my knowledge on how the virus infection really works.

Do you think your system is being attacked by virus because of Hackers?  Then you are wrong.

If you think hackers attack your system for Fun? Then you are wrong.

Then what is it?

A wise man told me, “If you are writing a code as 1, only you will know how to make it 0”.

Get it?

Couldn’t get the meaning, ok I will give you a better explanation.

Few Antivirus software companies (I will not name them), purpose fully spread a script that is often known as Virus by the mass population.

So once every one in a city or country raises alarm on the infection and search for a solution on how to remove them.

Then the Antivirus Company that spread the script (Virus) in the first place, will rewrite a code to turn the Virus down and will sell their products to mass public. This is how it works and this is how they earn.

If there was no virus, there would be no Antivirus software companies. They desire to earn, so simply they have technical experts, hackers, in their company so that they can create such codes.

An interesting point to note is that, “Only the company that released the virus can decode the virus. You cannot remove the virus using other Antivirus software’s “

Now you understand how it works. You may feel that this is unfair.

Yes, it is unfair but nothing can be done as there is no evidence against the companies.

To know the steps on How to prevent your system from being infected by Virus CLICK HERE

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