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TV killing Child progress

The worst fears of every parent has been made true through a survey that was conducted in USA for about 2 years. The main issue that arises in the society is whether watching television improves your child knowledge or sinks it.

To find this out , children from the age group of  6 months to 4 years were considered and their progress was monitored for about 2 years. These children were allowed to view the TV and the associated child programs and cartoons.To their disappointment it has been found that “The child who watches a TV program learns nothing when compared to the child who never watch the TV”

In other words, through TV education program a child learn very little. This is a very big blow to the Parents. They always think by letting their kid watch TV improves his or her general knowledge. If your a parent and if you think this way, then sorry to say you may be one of the loser.

The survey also found that by having a constant interaction with the parents about the issues that the child faces will help him for a great extent to learn new things in words as well as manners. But today due to tight schedule of their work parents fail to interact with their children. This is the root cause of all the trouble that the child faces in his/her life.

Some countries considering to issue a law and caution that a child of below 6 months should not watch TV. well no matter how hard the government works, its upto the parent to think and act.

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