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Top 5 Green Invention

Earth is dying with No greens! No rains! Tough Atmosphere! Forest gone!

God! I need to do something to improve it.

If your one among those who  worry on the dying Earth and have a desire to change it, then we might actually give you tips on how you can do it. Like you, we are also worried about the losing cultivations, dying forest that has resulted in the huge amount of global warming. Something needs to be done, let’s do It today.

What we are going to discuss below will not tell you to plant a tree or don’t use papers, blah, blah…. We know that is almost impossible in this world cause without papers people cannot go to school or work.

Although we strongly agree in planting a tree, we still feel for people living in city. For instance, if a guy burst out to plant a tree outside his house near pedestrian path, he might be busted by the cops for damaging the roads and public property.

Also, few gurus claim, “Our Earth has no green left in it because of technology and its ill effects”

Trust me, those who say technology is a disaster because it destroyed mother earth have always been dependent on the technology for their daily life. For instance, the cars, bikes or public transport, everything in their view has damaged the greens, but they still use it.

So here’s a practical way for you to use technology in your life as well as improve the environment without disturbing the life balance.

Top 5 Green Inventions

5. Segway

Segway is the leader in personal, green transportation, transforming the way you work, play and live. A better vehicle to travel without causing damage to environment.

4. Mobile Charger

Wait a min, what does Mobile Charger has to do with green earth.

Bro, for charging your mobile, the current which you use has been created by the use of machines that will result in emitting of dangerous chemicals on air. I believe you can now understand the importance of how even little thing such as mobile recharge can be a threat to the mother earth and its environment.

Here’s our tip on Mobile charger , Use YoGen, the “world’s first 100% green, fully-sustainable handheld charger for portable electronics”.

It is designed to quick burst of power for that dead mobile phone of yours.

3. Smart windows

SAGE Electrochromics, an energy-saving electro chromic smart window developer for buildings. Changes its tint based on when electronic charges apply.

2. Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is a concept that argues that it is economically and environmentally viable to cultivate plant or animal life within skyscrapers.

1. Curved Mirror:

Curved Mirror can be used to increase the solar efficiency. I am sure , even a child today can acknowledge the importance of  saving Solar Energy and using it for electricity purpose.

This curved mirror (see image) can increase the solar power efficiency upto 75%.

Follow the instructions and lead a healthy technological life.

[The concept of the post was from Alchamist. Altered and Edited by Shane ]

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