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Good relationship with partner prevents work stress out, split ups

A survey conducted on around 900 people proves that good relationship with the partner help them survive the stress which the couple face. This survey means Business proving the fact clearly about the issues rising around the couple. Ann-Christine Andersson Arnten who is a PhD student interviewed the people during the survey process.

The relationship reduces the negative effects of this kind of stress on our health. But poor relationships will amplify the negative effects“, said Andersson Arnten.

“A positive approach and successful stress-management techniques also help to reduce the negative effects of work-related stress.

“But when there are stressful experiences both at work and in the relationship, the risk of burn-out and poor health increases dramatically,” she added.

Having a bad relationship affects both the man and woman. Woman normally ends up facing Mental stress, sleeping problems, anxiety. On the other hand, a mediocre experience for men will lead them towards anxiety, depression and psychological problem.

This will be opposite to the pair having good relationship. The better way to get a relationship going is  talk with your partner openly on issues that you feel bad. Clear the air on stuff that you need explanation on. Compromise yourself, don’t be egoistic.

Andersson Arnten said: “One explanation can be that people living ith a mediocre relationship take more responsibility to improve he relationship, while those with poor relationships just admit it, and don’t feel they can do anything about it.”

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