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Ban of PainKillers has reduced Suicides and Accident

Strange ah!  The Ban on a particular Painkiller by the Medical agency Regulators has actually decreased Suicides and Accident to a large Extent .

The Pain Killer that was banned earlier 2007  is  “co-proxamol “. This Pain Killer is supposed to be dangerous when it is Overdosed and hence  The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency announced its withdrawal in 2005. Its license was terminated  in 2007.

The  Reports suggest that by banning the drug around 350 fewer cases of Suicides and accidents in England and Wales was reported . When compared to other Pain killers, No other pain killers  kill  the inhealer. The Co- Proxamol is the lone pain killer that causes fatigue when overdosed.

But few patients complaint that they need Co-Proxamol as they cannot withstand the pain. It was reported by Arthritis Care where few patients now struggle to control their pain. This proves that the withdrawal of the drug has been unpopular to some people. But this move is must cause one of the leading  research center found out the danger of the pain killer.

Study leader Professor Keith Hawton, director of the Centre for Suicide Research at Oxford University, said before the restrictions co-proxamol was responsible for a fifth of all drug-related suicides.

The GP somehow mamaged to change the pain killer to its patients by the year 2007, before the licence was blocked. Ineffective to its move, the patients of  GP reported that they actually needed the drug for their intolerable pain.

Professor Hawton said authorities in the US were now considering withdrawing co-proxamol, which is a mixture of paracetamol and an opioid drug.

“This marked reduction in suicides and accidental poisonings involving co-proxamol during this period, with no evidence of an increase in deaths involving other analgesics, suggests the initiative has been effective,” he added.

In 2008, there were 380,831 prescription items for co-proxamol, showing some GPs are still prescribing the drug.

A spokesman for the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said prior to its withdrawal co-proxamol was involved in 300-400 self-poisoning deaths each year, of which around a fifth were accidental.

“Co-proxamol is extremely dangerous in overdose – only a small overdose can be fatal, and death can occur very rapidly – before medical attention can be sought.” He also added: “There is no robust evidence that co-proxamol offers any advantage over paracetamol or ibuprofen at normal doses.”

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