Any tips on how to prepare for Elitmus Question paper, is perhaps the most voiced concern among the students in India.
One of our users “Kanika Sud” , has informed us via mail on the possible areas to work on in preparation for the career defining exam.
Thanks Kanika for this valuable information.
Tips in preparing for the Elitmus Exam
20 questions in each section.
Section I :
Quantitative Aptitude – Best Coverage in Arun Sharma.
Section II
Problem Solving, Data Sufficiency, Alphabet Representation in Numbers, Logical Reasoning and Syllogisms
Section III:
Verbal Ability, Unseen Passage, Fill in the blanks, good vocabulary needed, and Re-ordering of sentences to complete a paragraph.
If the readers have any valuable tips to help your fellow friends in preparing for the exam, kindly send us an email on and we will update it in our website.