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Elitmus Sample Question Paper pattern

Any tips on how to prepare for Elitmus Question paper, is perhaps the most voiced concern among the students in India.

One of our users “Kanika Sud” , has informed us via mail on the possible areas to work on in preparation  for the career defining exam.

Thanks Kanika for this valuable information.

Tips in preparing for the Elitmus Exam

20 questions in each section.
Section I :
Quantitative Aptitude – Best Coverage in Arun Sharma.

Section II

Problem Solving,   Data Sufficiency, Alphabet Representation in Numbers, Logical Reasoning and Syllogisms

Section III:

Verbal Ability, Unseen Passage, Fill in the blanks, good vocabulary needed, and Re-ordering of sentences to complete a paragraph.

If the readers have any valuable tips to help your fellow friends in preparing for the exam, kindly send us an email on and we will update it in our website.

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  • How To Take Care A Dog

    Thanks for providing such an important tips.

  • Piyush Bajaj

    Am i eligible for e-litmus good companies?
    10th – 69.6%
    12 – 67.2%
    B.E. – 69.2%

    What percentile of score “atleast” would i have to bring, if i am looking for Adobe or McAfee or any top company?

    Please reply ASAP…

    • Shane

      @Piyush, you have an academic record that almost satisfies the minimum requirement.
      However, if you are trying out for McAfee, you have thousands of students nation wide competing against you.
      Given above, i believe you must score a percentile of 98 to stand a chance for McAfee interview.

      If you are not trying for McAfee and you score over 90 percentile in the elitmus exams, then am sure you will get good calls from other companies that Elitmus has to offer

      All the best

      • big one

        10th 93.2 %
        12th 95 % 80%

        i have an offer from infosys
        will be passing out in 2012

        could i get some better offers through E litmus

  • aniket

    shane am i eligible for good high paying companies


    if i score above 92percentile in ph test..will it be helpful to have good companies

    • Shane

      @aniket, your academic record is less than 65%, the minimum eligibility criteria for elitmus offered companies is over 65% and also some companies demand more than 70%.

      If money is not a constraint for you, i would recommend you to go forward and give the elitmus test.

      Yeah, by scoring over 92 percentile. you have a great chance of getting selected in high paying companies. However, they also see your academic.

  • J.S

    am i elligible for elitmus good companies??
    10th – 67.80%
    12th – 80.80% – 67.80%

    What percentile of score “atleast” would i have to bring, if i am looking for top companies of ellitmus ?
    reply ASAP

    • Shane

      @ J.S, if you are hunting for top companies then atleast a minimum of 95 percentile is required

      • J.S

        thnx shane…..for ur valuable suggestion..
        thnx a lot

        • J.S

          will these grades can help me acquire good companies??

      • priyanka

        my 10th score is 79%
        12th 57% 69%
        i am 2011 i eligble to give elitmus test and What percentile of score “atleast” would i have to bring, if i am looking for good companies of ellitmus ??

  • raghavendran

    shane Am i eligible for e-litmus test for good companies

    my academic marks

    10th -60%
    12th -74%
    B.E- 70%

    if i can score more 80 percentile in ph test .

    • Shane

      you have a low 10th percent. Most of the companies consider atleast 65 to 70 percentile.

      if money is not a constraint to you, i would recommend you to give elitmus a try.

      Yes, 80 percentile in Elitmus is a good score. If you want to be among best, aim for 90 percentile.

  • J.S

    reply plzz…………..

  • Amit

    hi shane!!!nice that u r clearing our doubts.
    my 10th-88
    my 12th-86
    and b.e(cse)-69
    i presently have hcl and cognizant offers with a package of 3L and 3.25L pa
    is it worth to give a shot to elitmus for a better package?
    and wat percentile may i require to qualify for the better package companies?
    thank you!!!waiting for ur reply..:)

    • Shane

      @ amit, its great that you have offers from top most IT companies.

      If you are looking for better package companies via Elitmus, i believe you should get atleast 95 percentile.

      I point you towards 95 percentile, because, there are 1000’s of Kids from top most colleges all over india applying for Elitmus to be part of high paying companies.

      I reckon, you got my point.

      A word of caution! Global markets are very unstable. And recession 2011 is on the over. In such times, dont mess with the job in hand.

      Both Cognizant and HCL are good companies, select any one and meanwhile try for Elitmus.

      Have a great day.

      Like us on Facebook

  • pavan

    hi shane
    my acdemics percentage are like this
    B.E- 88.80

    will i get a call from Top MNC companies

  • mihir ranjan paital

    i have 60 percentage in my 10 th,44% in 12th, 54% in Bsc and 77% in mca.
    So how much percentage in elitmus should i score to get in top mnc IT company.
    please reply me.

    •!/imnirbhaymishra nirbhay

      no i would say don’t go for elitmus.As percentages are very low. Would recommend you go for UPSE where percentage is not a criteria

  • Monik

    am i elligible for elitmus good companies??
    10th – 68.33%
    12th – 64% – 70%

    What percentile of score “atleast” would i have to bring, if i am looking for top companies of ellitmus ?
    reply ASAP


    my 10th – 65%
    my 12th – 54% 63%

    may i go for an elitmus test? please help me shane?

  • Nikhil Tuteja

    Am i eligible for e-litmus good companies?
    10th – 76.5
    12 – 60%
    B.E. – 68.89%

    What percentile of score “atleast” would i have to bring, if i am looking for Adobe or McAfee or any top company?

    Please reply ASAP…

  • Ranjan

    my acdemics details are like this

    10th – 73.60%
    12 – 61.44%
    2years gap
    B.Tech. – 78.80%

    What percentile i have to score for getting any company offering salary 2.4L+ per annum.

  • shravani

    am i elligible for elitmus good companies??
    10th – 74.14%
    12th – 80.1% – 70.5%

    What percentile of score “atleast” would i have to bring, if i am looking for good companies of ellitmus ?
    reply ASAP

  • rahullllll

    hello M I ELIGIBLE
    for elitmus ?
    10th – 78.14%
    12th – 85.1% – 54.5%(pune university)

    What percentile of score “atleast” would i have to bring, if i am looking for good companies of ellitmus ?
    reply ASAP

  • big one

    10th 93.2 %
    12th 95 % 80%

    i have an offer from infosys
    will be passing out in 2012

    could i get some better offers through E litmus

  • priyanka

    i have 79% in my 10th
    57% in 12th
    69% in .

    So how much percentage in elitmus should i score to get in top mnc IT company.
    please reply me.

  • priyanka

    i have 60%in my 10 th
    57%in 12th
    69% in
    So how much percentage in elitmus should i score to get in top mnc IT company.
    please reply me.

  • Meena Bhatti

    hello sir
    i got
    86.8% in 10th
    51.2% in 12th
    70.2% in 6th semester)

    Can Elitmus help me?

  • mayank

    i have 83 percent in 10th
    77 percent in 12th
    and 57 percent in btech with one backlog
    am i eligible for some good companies if i score well in e litmus exam if yes than how much should i score

  • Ankita

    hi shane……
    i have 80 percent in 10th
    74.40 percent in 12th
    & 77 percent in
    how much should i score in elitmus to get call from good company…
    and to score good how much shud i attempt no.of ques in test…

  • Jeffrey Kenneth

    Hi Shane,
    I got 64 percent in class 10th(ICSE board),
    59 percent in class 12th(CBSE board),
    & 76 percent in B.E(CSE)…
    I know my 12th marks are a problem here..But if I score a percentile of 90 or above in my pH test can elitmus help me get interview calls from the big companies like McAfee..or any other company which at least offer a good pay..Are there any chances of me getting a good interview call in spite of my low academic record….An HONEST reply plzzz….Any1 who is familiar with elitmus procedure please REPLY…

  • Ria

    Hi shane, I have been in gr8 confusion regarding elitmus, n was wishing that someone plzz answer my ques.n I happened to visit the site n was delighted to knw dat sum 1 is answering queries…Thnx!!

    my score,
    10- 87
    12- 84
    B.E.(EC)- 79
    I got placed thru campus at TCS n hv to join in jan-2012.

    1.trying for elitmus in november, will i get enough opportunities before jan??
    2.i want a job in core sector like ericsson. but i have less preprtn to score vry high percentile ryt now. can i appear for elitmus later, say after 2 yrs exp? I doubt most of the vacancies through elitmus are for freshers only..?
    Plzz reply i hv less tym decide 4 nov attempt..Thnx!!


    my score,
    am i eligible for elitmus if i score well in ph score

  • Manish kumar

    hi my score is

    am i eligible for elitmus if i do well in ph score.I am already working in Hewlett Packard with 3.5L package. But i am not satisfied with my work.will i get the good MNC jobs.

  • trisha singh

    hi my score is
    B.Tech–75 (2011 passout)
    ph score-83%tile
    i gave this test on 16th oct 2011
    will i get calls from reputed companies?
    and till when should i expect i’ll b getting calls?

  • yachna

    Hi… My score is:

    Presently working in HCL Technologies, Can i get better oppurtunities via elitmus, Also what minimum score i need to have for better MNC jobs.

  • gaz

    HEY my scores are
    how much should my ph score be??

  • pavan udipi

    I would like to know if there are any core technical(like ge,bhel,etc) that recruit through elitmus’ ph test.

  • abhishek

    10th – 81%
    12th – 65%
    btech – 67.2%

    2011 passout..

    do i have a chance to get a good job thru elitmus…and wht shuld be the minimum percentile..

  • crisis

    hey my score are
    10th- 72.48
    12th- 68.33
    btech-78.7(2012 passout)

    my ph score is 81.86percentile
    what are the chances that i will get a call from companies

    • abhishek

      sorry yaaar no cmpny will call u…..but dont worry.m going to start ma i’ll call u after 2 yr later.till u hv to wait……..

  • pravleen

    hey..i have scored:
    10th – 66%
    12th – 69%
    B.TECH(IT)- 7102%
    will it be helpful for me if i take the pHtest???

    • pravleen

      sorry..i meant B.TECH(IT)2011 passout – 71.02%..
      will it be helpful??

  • Rini

    hello, i have experience of 3 years in IT and i am thinking of trying Elitmus, but then i heard someone saying that elitmus is for freshers it so? or any one can apply?

    • Shane


      Its not for Freshers alone. Anyone can apply for the Elitmus test. :)

  • md saleha

    hey..i have scored:
    10th – 82.24%
    12th – 60.66%
    B.TECH(IT)- 72.24%
    will it be helpful for me if i take the pHtest???
    pls reply pls

  • md saleha

    hey..i have scored:
    10th – 82.24%
    12th – 60.66%
    BE (CSE)- 72.24%
    will it be helpful for me if i take the pHtest???
    pls reply pls

    • Tushar

      Yes off course.I had little better result but urs also not bad.So go and give it try to score above 90 percentile to get calls from better companies.Use CAT-materials that will be bit helpful.Expect difficult
      questions .Try to keep less negative marks.

  • Arjun

    Hey, my scores are,

    Can taking PH test help me land in good companies?,If so,what is the approximate marks i have to get,to be called by good companies..?

  • Allauddin

    Hey my score are
    10th – 85.2%
    12th – 83.4%
    B.E. (ECE) – 74.5%

    Can pH test help me get a good job preferably in Core Companies (Consumer Electronics, Telecom and Networking) with good package. How is the hiring spree presently and what is the scored required to get a job of my satisfaction.

    • Allauddin

      I completed BE is 2011

  • poova

    my 10th- 85%
    12th- 65%
    PG- 76%

    shall i take th test to get interview calls.

    2011 passout

  • Aishwarya

    Hello sir,
    Could u refer any good books to prepare for section 2 & section 3 ??? Pls do reply

  • Abhilash

    Can please guide me…Do I have a chance. I have got good %ages in 10th and 12th……But my B.Tech %age is low (it is 61%)…..Is there is any chance for me in eLitmus.

    • Riz

      Hey, Abhilash, certainly you can try for the Elitmus exam.

  • Abhilash

    thanks bhai…..but im not sure about my all the companies in eLitmus are asking for above 70% in graduation too….

    • Riz

      Yea, that is a concern. Heres a tip. Dont just stay behind. Go and try for jobs even if there is
      1 percent possibility. I would surely say, if money is not a concern give Elitmus a try.

      So that with the experience, you can give a good test in any other interview if not elitmus.

  • sahitya

    hi,i am 2011 passed out and i have 78%(cse).i came to know about eLitmus last if i write this exam in this month will it be helpful for me…..


      Hi friend,
      Before get into the PHtest….go through some practice exams related to PHtest….me take the test next month after preparing well in this month…:)

  • Akhila

    my scores are

    10th – 83.5%
    12th – 94.4% – 71.3% (2012 passed out )
    how much percentile i have to get in ph test to get call from good companies ..? plz do reply


    10th – 85.80%
    12th – 78.75% – 85% (2012 passed out )
    how much percentile i have to get in ph test to get call from good companies ..? plz do reply At


    10th – 85.80%
    12th – 78.75%
    B.E(MECH) – 85% (2012 passed out )
    how much percentile i have to get in ph test to get call from good companies ..? plz do reply At

  • sunny

    my scores are

    10th – 79%
    12th – 72% – 78.85% (2012 passed out )
    elitmus 1st chance- 75.63 percentile
    can i improve…..suggest me …asap

  • Ravi

    hey..i have scored:
    10th – 77.5%
    12th – 80.9%
    B.TECH(ECE)- 67.91%
    will it be helpful for me if i take the pHtest???

  • Ravi

    hey..i have scored:
    10th – 77.5%
    12th – 80.9%
    B.TECH(ECE)- 67.91%
    will it be helpful for me if i take the pHtest???
    Please suggest me..please…please…

  • Abhilash

    Hi Everyone,
    I had given the elitmus test on 15 April,2012.

    Class X – 74%
    Class XII – 79.6%
    B.Tech(EE)- 62%
    pH Percentile – 82.33 %ile

    What are My Chances…..????

  • kalyani

    I Got 70% in 10th
    60% in 12th
    80% in degree
    84% in MCA

    Will it help for me??

  • kalyani

    please reply. its urgent..
    this 20th i am thinking to write the exam.. so i need to whether it will me or not

  • susmita

    I got 74 in Class,70 in class 12,56 in BSc(Physic) and 70 in MCA(Upto 5th sem) .Will Elistmus help me???how much should my percentile should be if it does help???

  • susmita

    I got 74 in Class,70 in class 12,56 in BSc(Physic) and 70 in MCA(Upto 5th sem) .Will Elistmus help me???how much should my percentile should be if it does help???


  • uday

    am uday . i got in SCC 60%

    12th 55%

    and btech : 57% is there any chance of getting jobs in IT?

  • Sanch Kapoor

    Sanch Kapoor
    10th: 84.0%
    12th: 81.6%
    B.E(IT) from University of Pune(UoP): 64%
    (The result level of UoP is tougher than most of the universities in India.
    First class with distinction is at 66% instead of 75% which is the most uncommon part. Will companies be taking this under consideration…?
    n how will elitmus gonna help me in this case…? )

  • Ajinkya Patil


    I need to know how much my ph score should be so that i can get into a good MNC…

    Thank you..

  • Ricardo

    10th -95%
    12th -92.25%
    2012-pass out
    What should be my Ph score to get a call form good companies .
    What companies can call me ?
    Thanx .

  • vivek maindola

    I have 71 % in 10th
    58% in 12th
    63% in btech
    Is elitmus is benificial for me?

  • ashu


    I have 79% in 10th
    65% in 12th
    60% in
    2012 passed out.
    what should be the minimum score percentail to get job in elitmus

  • aakash


    i have scored 66% in 10th

    58% in 12th
    62% till now in
    so my question is these companies only check our ph test percentile or our whole academic percentage including our ph test result?

  • Ganesh


    I have 89% in 10th
    90% in 12th
    65% in
    2012 passed out.
    what should be the minimum score percentail to get job in elitmus

  • shakthy


    I have 89% in 10th
    88% in 12th
    78% in
    2012 passed out.
    what should be the minimum score percentail to get job in elitmus

  • Ritesh


    I have 53% in 10th
    73.9% in diploma in cse
    7.12 grade point out of 110 in in cse
    2012 passed out.
    what should be the minimum score percentail to get job in elitmus

    • Tommy

      Give Elitmus a try, it won’t hurt you, try to score your best to increase your opportunities. Elitmus won’t help you though, a minimum of 75 percentile is required throughout. Remember, you can still brag about your Elitmus score in your resume.

  • amrutha

    how can i prepare elitmus test.whar are those materials please tell me sir

  • amit


    I have 67% in 10th
    60% in 12th
    60% in
    2012 passed out.
    what should be the minimum score percentail to get job in elitmus

  • Sarvajeet


    I have 53% in 10th(2003)
    65% in 12th(2005)
    70% in BCA(2008)
    74% in MCA(2012).
    what should be the minimum score percentail to get job in elitmus exam.

  • saravanan

    This is the first time i am going to take my PH please send me the previous PH test papers to this mail id.please help me to score high marks in PH TEST.
    my mail