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Elitmus pH Test question pattern

Guys first of all, this is an information on  One set of the question paper which i faced today 25-july-2010.

There are 4 sets of question paper  A,B,C,D

I received the Set A paper.

I was asked to attend 60 questions with 120 min time allocation.

First 20 questions were purely probability type. Am not sure this is from R.S.Agarwal cause everything looked different and kind of CAT question type.

Second 20 question was problem solving. This was a bit easy when compared to previous one.

The last 20 question was my favorite, it contained Verbal type question and one can easily solve these questions.

Thats it i faced..

I wish to share this information and i did it.

Admin’s note:

The information posted above is  from the email which we received from a user. If you wish to share any information on  similar type just mail us at     or just post it through here comment. We will check it out and if found necessary we will have it updated here.

To Know more on How to prepare for the Elitmus pH test   CLICK HERE

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  • anshul





    • Suresh

      Plz forward elitmus Q papers

    • Sorab Khan

      Plz give me previous papersof eLITMUS, Thank yuo

  • JAYA

    thankx a lot for providing an important i was looking about it earlier..if u have more idea about it then plz reply me…


  • JAYA

    thankx a lot for providing an important i was looking about it earlier..if u have more idea about it then plz reply me…


  • sommya

    can anyone plz, provide me elitmus previous year question papers or sample question paper. i am going to give exam on 19th of September in Bangalore…

    thank you.

    • neha

      hey can anyone tell whts d pattern for phtest..wht type of question r asked n is der any sample paper for the preparation???

  • Ravikiran Chinta

    Hi can any one give me d prev elitmus paper..

    iam having exam…on dis sunday…

    plz helpme..

  • VENKATESHcconie 9961



    • Shane

      Everything is percentile oriented. You need to score atleast above 70 percentile to atleast get a chance.

      Do remember students are getting 98 for 100 percentile.
      The best percentile you score, the more you have a chance

  • sahil kumar

    is there any sectional cutoff? or it’s follow the cat pattern.

    • Riz

      It has Sectional Cutoff…. Few companies look forward for sectional cutoff as a compulsory step… Other companies are happy with the total cut off.

  • alok

    Hi can any one give me the elitmus paper..

    thank you

  • supriya

    hii….hey i want to get elitmus papers//plzz if any1 has send me my freinds….plzz…send me if u ve

  • abhishek kumar

    hi actually im preparing for cat 2010 my friends were teliin dat givin ph test after the completion of my degree will b beneficial.
    is it this way sud i wait or my degree completion nd i also want to know dat wat are ques in vebal section actually im good in sentence correction jumble and unseen passage but my vocab is not very good.

    • Riz

      hey abhishek that will be really gud if you give ph test. Elitmus brings bunch lot of companies with high salaries. since your preparing for CAT it will be easy for you to attend.

      In case of verbal section which you asked. It will be anything such as sentence formation for example. Just be confident and dont study only one section.

      Cover all the section in english preparation. Elitmus changes paper often.

      The questions that appears in one test will not be same in the other…

  • rupesh arya

    i m in final year..electronics & communication.i have less than 60% in my 10th & 12th,but in my degree my % till 6th sem is 62 .Is there any possibility to find a job…through this PH test.plz say some valuable suggestions…

    • Riz

      @ Arya , this may seem little hard for you. But i want to be honest with you.

      Since you have less than 60% in your 10th and 12th, its very hard for you to get a job not only through Ph test but also through off campus since all the companies want atleast a minimum percentage of 65 and above…

      There is a solution for you, join a course in NIIT and through there you will get placed . I will NOT RECOMMEND NIIT to any person but since you have percentage below 60 you need to do a course in NIIT.

      If your considering a BPO job, then you will be most welcome as the BPO industry takes engineering students with low percentage.

      I will not recommend you to join BPO. Working in night shift will damage your health and brain.

      The decision rest with you…All the best!

    • vanshaj


      it seems very difficult for u to get a job even if u have excellent skills since u wont be shorlisted by the companies for recruitment.

      But dnt get down.. u can do any diploma course from CDAC. it will be better from u from der u can get a gud job if u perform well there. ihave seen many such cases in CDAC.

      for more datails for CDAC :

  • keerthi

    plz send me the sample papers for phtest

  • avinash

    thanks dude thank u for providing the pattern.

  • sunil

    can anyone plz, provide me elitmus previous year question papers or sample question paper. i am going to give exam on 21 st of NOVMBER in delhi

    thank you

  • ayush

    i m having my exam my on 28th nov .
    so please send me the previous year elitmus paper.

  • ananya

    i have 93.5% in problem solving section,78.5% percentile in quant section and 23 % in english section………..will i get call from any company….

    • Shane

      On a whole, how much percentile do you have Ananya

  • ananya

    i have 69 percentile as a whole…..

    • Shane

      Ananya, i have seen many companies that Elitmus offers ask a percentile 70 or more than that.

      Your percentile 69% is also good. You got the chance of getting calls from the companies.

      I would like to tell you one more information, Some Companies from Elitmus Check Individual Section cut off. Since you have 23% in English Section, i am afraid you wont qualify for some companies.

      lets hope for the best :)

      Enjoy your time here

      • ananya

        thanx shane for info…. it was the first time i gave elitmus xam……should i give it again to secure good percentile

        • Shane

          your welcome Ananya :)

          Your precentile is valid for 2 years. However, you can try it again and give your best shot.

          • ananya

            what to do after getting ph score means how to apply in company .and there is a link in elitmus site to get interview calls so if the company itself calls students

  • ananya

    i have 76% in 10th 70 % in 12th and in my aggregrate percentage upto the prefinal year is 71 .and i have given the ph first time and scored 23% in verbal in ps i scored93.5% and in quant i scored 78.5% in quant will i get call from any company and if the sectional cutoff matters to company

    • Praveen

      Hello Ananya,
      I asked about this most of said more % more call so u got call but it depends need of company what they wants. And I am planing to go for ph test but not getting what they will ask if u remember any que, Topic plz reply. Thanks.

      • ananya

        hello praveen,,,, dear i want 2 tell one thing that i made one mistake i prepared from r s aggrawal only……i didnt follow any cat material so one advice u follow TIMES,CL material as well vaise paper was xtremely tough beyond my expectation,,,,, more tough than CAT,,,, in problem solving section more questions was of data sufficiency and data interpretation,,,,,quant section was tough than problem solving there was questions of area,circle,probability,percentage all formulas was given but of no use coz question standard was tough,,,,,in verbal section there was questions of sentence completion etc do well in each section i made one mistake i didn’t do well in verbal section only attempted 4 or 5 question try to attempt 10 questions from each section …..ok all the best dear

        • ananya

          and according to me prepare well for quant and verbal section. problem solving me to dimag vahin par chalta hai…… is like of reasoning type

          • Praveen

            Hello Ananya,
            thanks alot for this post n that will help me alot as well others aslo….and same problem going with me i wast more than 2 month with rs agrawal(apti n LR) but ya now I arrenged time , pt notes for CAT but i think it will take time to do so.and yar CAT level se b tough he than 70+ score karna is difficult…everywhere jugad(reference/jack)kaam karta he
            wese we should do our best. And I think u did v good job scored very close to 70…23% verbal in ps 93.5% :-O and in quanta 78.5% v good. Best of luck!!!
            and may i know ur from?i got mails for job/walkin info for many locations but i prefers to attend for pune,mumbai,indore location. i infm u for ur location n u infm for my location ok…if agree so gv ur id my is
            thanks again :)

  • diksha

    hi sir
    i am 2009 pass out and yet not employed this effect recruitment through elitmus.
    i got 63% in my 10th and 12th
    and 74% in my this % is enough for recruitment through elitmus?
    can you plz send me d ph test papers for knowlege
    my id is

    • Shane

      @diksha, hey first of all Dont lose hope..there are hundreds of openings around the corner.

      i will suggest you to get a job in some medium level company, because you passed out of college on 2009. Definitely where ever you go they will ask you , do you have any experience.

      your percentage is ok and its not an issue.

      But yes it will affect your elitmus progress. So better chip into some medium companies..

      Enjoy your time here

  • Krishna

    I am having 72.4% marks in 10th, But only 50.8% in 12th

    I have completed my engineering in Electronics & Communication
    with 78.22% marks.

    Can any way this test will help me?

    I am very good in Aptitude.

    Pls reply me ,can any way i can get a job?

    • Shane

      @Krishna, your Engineering marks is very good and your 10 percentage is also good.

      The problem is your 12th. I am afraid that you will not get a job through OFF Campus.

      If you need a job then somehow try to be placed in ON CAMpus itself.

      With regard to Elitmus, no it wont help you.

  • http://z tharaka

    hello frnds
    i completed in eee streem in 2009
    if any jobs is matched if i write a elitmus
    wht is the sysb ?
    how many cuttoff marks.pls mail to me .my mail is

  • Manish

    Hi,i m a 2011 batch passout, in cse. I took d test on 21st nov and my overall ph percentile z 76.46 wid 85 percentle in englsh,40 in problm sol, 79 in quanti. I hv secured 95% in 10th and 87% in 12th, a cgpa of 8.3 in pre-final. Is my ph score gud enough 4 job? Pls inform me at

    • Shane

      @Manish, your score is great. All you have to do is, In your elitmus home page there will be an option called Get Interview Calls .

      And then Just click All jobs and apply for the job. You have to apply for the job individually so that you will be considered

  • Praveen

    Hello every one,
    I am Planing to go for coming test (pune) on 5Dec but wants to know few things.

    1) after I scored 70+ in ph test and go in walk in of any of those listed 132 company in pune or any location so they consider ph score card or i need to attend written test again conducted by them? or i can go for next round directly? or will you arrange interview ?

    2) can I pay online on 15 nov at 11pm? or have to pay in any specific time or more ealier?

    3) will you arrenge interview in pune or B’glore only? and do you have any branch in pune if yes then plz mention.

    4) can I pay online on last day at 11pm? or have to pay in any specific time or more earlier?

    reply ASAP.

    • Shane


      1) After you score a 70 + percentile in your test, Keep regularly visiting elitmus website. Log in there. Then click GET Interview calls and click All Jobs. There will be a list of companies. Just click it and apply for it. You need to apply for the job individually.

      If shortlisted they will call you direct to 2nd round. So no need to write the Written test again.

      2) No, you need to pay the money within the specified date. Failing which you will not be eligible to write the test. However you can apply for other schedule and pay the money for that and attend the test.

      3) Thfire has no relationship or tie up with elitmus. So you need to contact Elitmus personally for this question. As far as i am aware, the companies represented through Elitmus mainly focus on Bangalore. However, recently they have added other cities as well depending upon the COMPANY REQUIREMENT.

      4) You have to pay it on specific amount of time.

      If you like our service, they do Like US in Facebook. You can like us by visiting the following Facebook link .

      Cheers! Enjoy.

  • dhiraj Kumar

    hi guys,
    i took the e-litmus test and i got 888.33 %ile.
    but my score in 10th is 87 %
    in 12th is 59 %
    $& in, it is 84 %.

    so is there any chance of getting calls from any companies.
    i am upset regarding my 12 marks.
    please reply ASAP


  • dhiraj Kumar

    hi guys,
    i took the e-litmus test and i got 88.33 %ile.
    but my score in 10th is 87 %
    in 12th is 59 %
    $& in, it is 84 %.

    so is there any chance of getting calls from any companies.
    i am upset regarding my 12 marks.
    please reply ASAP


  • Bulu

    Hi i want to prepare e-litmus test but my career percentage is less then 60% except MCA that is 71%. This e-litmus test will help me to get a job in my future. plz help me, my e-id is,
    Thank u.

  • Santhoshiroopa

    i am a 2011 passout in c.s.e student my 10th percent is 83,inter percent is 88 and 3years aggregate is 61% am i eligible for this exam in those instructions while applying they are saying i have to bring some originals to test center i didnt understand what originals plzz tell me details about this examm,is this exam conducted in every month????plzzz reply me

  • santhosh

    i m working in a company ..i m 2009 passout..i have good percentage in 10th,12th and in BE as well…if i take elitmus test ,wiil it be helful for me in getting better job ? or it is applicable only for freshers ?

    • Shane

      @Santhosh, Elitmus brings companies that recruits freshers.

      If you see the latest list of companies offered by Elitmus, every company specifies 2010 passed out only. Apart from this, they have started to recruit for 2011 passed out as well.

      So its my view that it wont help you to get place in a company via Elitmus.

  • Praveenkumar.k

    I am going to attend upcoming PH test can any one help me in preparing for the ph test.and please send some materials for preparing PH this mail id

  • sunil

    can any1 plz tell me that frm where i shud study fr elitmus exam? and where can i find its practice papers an previous yrs papers?

  • ravi

    i have scored 66.6%in 10th, 56.6%in 12th nd64.2% in……..should i try for elitmus………will it help me

  • prathu

    i am prathap i have done my mtech …i have got 8.5 Cgpa in mtech and i have got below 60 only in 12th if i take the elitmus test is that help me

    plz suggest me solution

    • Shane

      @ prathap, i am afraid elitmus wont help you

  • nadeem sarwar

    Hello, m nadeem doing engineering n its my last year…i have scored 58% n 57.7% in 10th and 12th.Should i try for elitmus.Is there any other solution.What about Cdak.?

    • Shane

      @nadeem, i dont think doing elitmus will help you.. The corporates have adopted a technique to select candidates with eligibility criteria above 65%. And last year, some demanded eligibility criteria above 75%.

      Try joining NIIT, it may help you. Or if you have offer letter from some companies , Dont hesitate join it.

      After taking exp of 2 years, you will be rated high and your 10th and 12th marks will not be considered

  • Ravi

    I have scored 70 + in 10, 12 and engg.
    I am a 2010 pass out and plan to take elitmus test on February. I am currently working in a company. Am i already late in taking elitmus . How long will the company ask for 2010 pass outs? Can i postpone the Elitmus and take it during March.As u have said that the companies are already asking for 2011 pass outs.I can prepare well and take it in January too.

    • Shane

      @ Ravi, Elitmus will stop favoring 2010 candidates starting April 2011.

      So its better if you take the test soon . Also remember, this test will be very challenging and tough.

      If your working in an IT company , then you can update in your elitmus profile so that after writing the test ( with good marks), you will be getting calls from them

      Remember, 2010 batch will not be considered post april 2011.

      • Ravi

        Thanks Shane

  • latha

    I have completed engg in2010 i have an agg of 68% 10th 83%&12th 59% can i attend the ph test please suggest me what can i do?

    • Shane

      @ Latha, you have 59% in 12th.

      Today, IT companies are strictly following a percentage of atleast 65% and above.

      I have witnessed students who have secured more than 68% in 10 or 12 or engg . But still not invited by companies for a job.

      I assume you understand the seriousness latha.

      As far as Elitmus, dont take it. Try joining some course in a reputed industry. It might help you

  • shray

    hi shane
    my e-litmus paper is on 9 january
    it will be gr8 help if you can provide me with some sample papers and how is the toughness of e-litmus….
    frm what material or books can i prepare for e-litmus
    plzz help
    my mail id is-
    my 10 % is-85
    12th %-83
    and grad % till 3 yr is-68.2
    i am in 8 sem of engg..
    can e-litmus help me to get a good job

  • Chandra sekhar

    Hello ! Iam a 2010 passout with the percentage of 75 % in and above 90 % in 10th and 12th.Unfortunately i didnot got the job.So i have come to know abt elitmus.Can i xpect that elitmus is the right choice for me at this moment?am planning to write the xam in the last week on january.So plzz help me in this regard friends……….

  • Chandra sekhar

    Hello ! Iam a 2010 passout with the percentage of 75 % in and above 90 % in 10th and 12th.Unfortunately i didnot got the job.So i have come to know abt elitmus.Can i xpect that elitmus is the right choice for me at this moment?am planning to write the xam in the last week on january.So plzz help me in this regard friends……….

    • Shane

      @ Chandra Sekhar, it will surely help you if you take up the elitmus test. You have a wonderful academic marks.

      Just be patient and keep on trying for jobs. You will surely get it.

      Keep checking our Job Opportunity section.


  • xyz

    plz suggest me whether elitmus would work for me or not..
    12th -50%
    prsuing BE 7th sem till now aggregate is 70% plz help me out….

    • Shane

      @xyz, no elitmus wont help you

  • Anuj kumar

    I am going to take ….will elitmus help me to get a job …
    my percentage is
    10 -61%
    12 -54%
    grad -55%
    mca -82%
    should i give elitmus

    • Shane

      @Anuj, Elitmus will not be able to help you.

  • kumud grover

    shld i give elitmus
    i secured 61% in 10th
    64% in 12th
    62.4 in grad
    69 in mca

    • Shane

      @kumud, i am unsure on your case. Very very few companies will allow candidate who have greater than 60 percent.

      Apart from this, all other companies will ask for a minimum of 65 percent and above..

      If money is not an issue for you, then i think you can give elitmus a try.

  • shrey

    hey shane
    my e-litmus paper is on 9 january
    it will be gr8 help if you can provide me with some sample papers and how is the toughness of e-litmus….
    frm what material or books can i prepare for e-litmus
    plzz help
    my mail id is-
    my 10 % is-85
    12th %-83
    and grad % till 3 yr is-68.2
    i am in 8 sem of engg..
    can e-litmus help me to get a good job

  • niki

    i am 2009 passout.i have 74% in 10th n 73% in 12th n 57.3% in BE. I am not sure whether i should be taking pH test. will it help me if i take the test in getting jobs, its on 9th jan. please help me out in any way as what i should do to get job. i have posted my resume in leading sites like naukri, monster, timesjobs etc.
    You can mail me at

    • Shane

      @niki, i understand your concern niki.

      Your BE percent will make you very very hard to find a job opening. Let it be on campus or offcampus.

      I would encourage you to take up any course in a leading institution that has excellent track record for placing students for example NIIT.

      Elitmus Wont Help You. Dont take the test!

  • raj kalangutkar

    hi shane
    K i have done my BE in electronic and telecommunication.have just passed out actuly in may/june 2010.
    i ve my % as folows
    i heard of this exam and am very serious abt it..It wud b g8t if u help me and send some QST pprs or guide if posible at my mail addres. as soon as posible
    luking forward for ur reply

    • Shane

      @Raj, i dont think elitmus will be able to help you.

      Your academic percent is below 60%.

      A minimum of 65 percent and above is required for applying the job.

      Besides, people who attend Elitmus are very very talented. Probably all the IIT students participate in this test and sweep off with good percentile.

      So competition is very higher here. And people with percentile less than 75 percent in academic wont have any chance here.

      • raj kalangutkar

        got ur reply thanks 4 dat.wt if i score in 80’s or aroun 85%.cos m realy serious abt it.i knw my % is less but i wan 2 answer.its a bit got to show my capability to sum ppl.wud u jus help me in it.sen sum QSt pprs on my mail .
        hoping 4 a positive reply

  • shray rawat

    hey shane plzz reply this is my third post
    my e-litmus paper is on 9 january
    it will be gr8 help if you can provide me with some sample papers and how is the toughness of e-litmus….
    frm what material or books can i prepare for e-litmus
    plzz help
    my mail id is-
    my 10 % is-85
    12th %-83
    and grad % till 3 yr is-68.2
    i am in 8 sem of engg..
    can e-litmus help me to get a good job

    • Shane

      @Shray, i have seen your comment . I, myself, tried hard to get any sample papers for Ph test. But i couldnt get any.

      I can give you only suggestions.

      Elitmus paper is tough.
      Dont prepare from RS Agarwal.
      Probability and problem solving section will be the area of great thought.

      I will recommend you to get into CAT questions and prepare on it.

  • Anand

    my 10 % is-88
    12th %-93
    and grad %-66
    is is right to choose ph test for my percentage (as i got less % in graduation)

    please suggest me

    • Shane

      @anand, hey you have an excellent percent, i recommend you to give Elitmus a try .

  • shray

    hey shane nice to see that u finally replied to my post
    i need to ask another thing that
    my 10 % is-85
    12th %-83
    and grad % till 3 yr is-68.2
    i am in 8 sem of engg..
    can e-litmus help me to get a good job
    and are these percentages good enough
    and wat is exactly problem solving section
    wat all is included in it
    hope to see ur reply

  • vivek

    i m in 8-sem and
    12—63% till 6-sem—-62
    will elitmus help me in any way?

  • Chandra sekhar

    its now 2011.But am 2010 passout.But by god’s grace i have very good academic percentages.will companies still invite 2010 passouts to attend the interviews.If yes,till what time or what month v are consideres?
    unfortunately , v can still find 2009 passouts being invited fot the interviews even in the month of december.I think this is becoz of the recession that was carried out in their period.So,finally am in a bewildered state that till what time v are considerable.Plz understand my problem and reply,plz……….

  • vishwa

    i m in 7-sem and
    12—68% till 6-sem—-67
    will elitmus help me in any way?

    plz reply..

    • Shane

      @vishwa, your acedamic records meets the minimum criteria.

      Yes if you attend the elitmus test and score high percentile, it will help you.

      High percentile means some score of over 85%

  • Shashank Shukla

    HI GUYS,
    I’m a BTech final yr student.My academic record is as follows:

    10th—> 82%

    I need to know whether Ishould give the ph test again or will I get calls from companies with above credentials??

    • Shane

      @Shashank, hey your percentile is really good.. Just keep on applying for companies that Elitmus offers.. You will surely get the call.

      Can you tell me how much did you secure in each sections? And When did you write the test?

  • chandra sekhar

    hello sir , am 2010 passout with excellent academic percentages.but i have no job.Now the year is 2011.So, i would like to clarify whether the companies consider 2010 passouts in this 2011.Even if it considers till what month v will b considered?plz reply…i have planned my elitmus on jan 23 rd.


    Hi..I passed my b-tech 2009.
    I secured
    I am still unemployed.Is ph test is fruitfull for me.can anybody please send me the ques pattern.

    • chandra sekhar

      Hi ,Abhijeet. Better to try Elitmus.It may sometimes help u.Be confident.Don’t be panic my friend.

  • Prakhar

    Hello Sir,
    A friend of mine is 2008 batch passout and has been working at an average company. He seeks opportunity in good companies.. Do you think pH test will help him out? Please suggest..

  • shray rawat

    hey shane,
    my ph score is-
    pH Test Sun, 09 Jan, 2011
    percentile score
    Verbal 91.20 108.80
    Problem Solving 97.25 90
    Quantitative 56.56 15
    Overall Score 93.84 213.80

    so my issue is –
    my 10 % is-85
    12th %-83
    and grad % till 3 yr is-68.2
    i am in 8 sem of engg..
    can e-litmus help me to get a good job

    • Shane

      hey shray, man your precentile is damn cooler…. With this percentile you will surely get a call from elitmus.

      Dont attempt for retest now…

      Personal suggestion: work very hard in this 8th sem of yours and make sure your overall academic percentage reaches 72 and above….

      your academic will play crucial role..

      As of now, keep visiting elitmus site and apply all the companies which they have to offer….

      All the best

      Hey we have our personal facebook fan page..You can like us by visiting here

  • shashidhar

    Hi i am doing my MCA and i will be getting passed out in 2011,
    as my % is as follows
    X 67
    XII 54
    UG 65
    PG 70*

    will the ph test be helpful for me to getting into a good company,
    plz let me know plz.

    • Shane

      No mate. Elitmus will not be any use for you…

      • shashidhar

        Can u let me know what to do for boosting up for opportunities and i am interested in SAP

  • sekhar

    hello shane,

    I have completed my in 2010 and still waiting for a job.So,even id i take elitmus will companies consider 2010 passouts in the coming future of 2-3 months.plz help me with ur suggestions.I have very good academics..thanks in advance……..

    • Shane

      @Sekhar, i will recommend you to take elitmus asap…
      Yes, it is worth to take elitmus test.

      Elitmus will surely fetch lot of companies in the next few months…So, no need to worry..

      Hey we have our personal facebook fan page..You can like us by visiting here


    67%IN CLASS 12


  • Rupam

    hi this is rupam ..
    my 10th % -80.03
    12th % -78.04
    B.Tech (CGPA) -7.701(upto 6th semester)….
    how shld i proceed fr pH Test conducted by eLitmus..
    pls tell me d steps following….

    and last is there any rule to give d pH test before applying in a company from eLitmus???or anyone can do it before giving pH test..

    waiting fr d answer……

  • nandita

    I am nandita. I passed my btech in 2009. Will writing e litmus help me out? M so worried as i m still unemployed. My 10th percentage-82, 12th- 70.03 btech- 67.30. Pls if anyone can reply to it

  • smriti saini

    hi,i m smriti,presently i m in 8th semester doing engineering(IT)
    i have secured 85% in class 10th,72% in class 12th,nd my cgpa till now is 7.77.
    so i want to know that when the litmus test held?how i will get the information about this much cut off marks required to get into the good company?

    • himanshu

      u can get info. abt the test for e-litmus on the site—

      register on dis site
      and a draft of 699 Rs is 2 be sent on favour of e-litmus

      elitmus is conducted by colleges also…

      open centre for d test are–Delhi,pune,hedrabad,banglore etc

  • Ajay Pandey

    HI,IM Ajay Pandey,
    PRESENTLY IN MCA 3rd YEAR Oriental collage Bhopal
    58%IN CLASS 10
    59%IN CLASS 12
    and in MCA75.5%

    plz help me with ur suggestions

  • Ranjan

    HI,I am Ranjan,
    i am pursuing MCA 6th sem………

    My academic record is not good all from 10th to B.Sc.
    I have scored between 55%to 59%

    But in MCA i have scored 78%
    plz help me how elitmus can help me ………….

  • ravish

    hi .
    i got 78% in 10th
    70% in 12th
    65% in betech till 6th sem

    should i take elitmus…will it be of any help…
    please uide be and what should be my percentile target

  • arpita

    my problem is the same, my marks uptill 6th semester is 68.8% and i’m a student of electronics field can elitmus help me to get a call from a company in my field plz tell me

  • sudeep

    i got 65 in 10
    70 in 12
    ug -59.8(till 3rd year)
    can it would be helpful for me to apply elitmus ph test.

  • saif akhtar

    i have secured 56% in 10th,60%in 12th and 67%in is elitmus test provide me a good job?

  • Arun Kumar

    hello I am Arun Roy
    Currently doing my MCA and its my last semand I will be getting passed out in 2011,
    as my % is as follows
    X 70
    XII 50.5
    UG 65.84
    PG 70*

    will the ph test be helpful for me to getting into a good company,
    plz let me know plz.

    • Shane

      @Arun, your percentage is low. I dont think Elitmus will help you

      • naga

        Hello shane,
        do u have ny informn about the type of questions asked in elitmus test.
        i am a fresher and want to give it a try.
        my percentages are:
        10th -89.89
        12th -90.6

        plse reply..

  • Shubhasis Bhattacharya

    hello I am Shubhasis Bhattacharya
    Currently doing my MCA and is in my last sem.I will be getting passed out in 2011,
    as my % is as follows
    X 83
    XII 76.2
    UG 52.38
    PG 85%(above)

    will the ph test be helpful for me to getting into a good company,
    plz let me know plz.

  • nitij adhwaryu

    BE->67.05% till 6 semester

    will the ph test be helpful for me to getting into a good company,
    plz let me know…..

  • James

    BE->68.15% till 6 semester

    will the ph test be helpful for me to getting into a good company,
    plz let me know…..

  • varun

    hi shane,
    i m goin 2 take the ph test on 20 feb,
    my 10th- 72.6
    12th- 75.4
    btech- 75.45 till 6th sem
    i wanna know wat type of questions r askd in problem solving n quant…i mean the topics in these(ex. area, cubes, blood relation etc)
    i wanna know complete list of these topics
    n also tell me the books from where i can prepare for these….pls reply.

  • shekar

    hello I am shekar
    Currently doing my mtech and is in my last sem.I will be getting passed out in 2011,
    as my % is as follows
    X 71
    XII 75
    UG 63.63
    PG 8.64

    will the ph test be helpful for me to getting into a good company,
    plz let me know plz

  • Amrit

    hi shane,
    do u have ny info about the type of questions asked in elitmus test.
    i am already working and want to give it a try.
    my percentages are:
    10th -90.4
    12th -80.8
    b.e -78.4

    plse reply..

  • Jeeban

    please help me whether i can get any help from elitmus with the following scores.
    10th– 75%
    12th– 45%
    UG– 7.3 c.g.p.a
    please inform me…

  • Namita Singh

    please please help me whether i can get any help from elitmus with the following scores-
    10th – 64.8 %
    12th – 58.2 %
    UG(B.Tech) – 71 %(till 3rd year)
    can it would be helpful for me to apply elitmus ph test.
    please give me response….i am waiting..

    • Shane

      @ Namita, nope it wont help you. The company that comes through Elitmus requires atleast a 70 percent in their academic schedule. Given your 12th mark, i dont think it will help you

  • chandni

    HI GUYS,
    I’m a MCA final yr student. My academic record is as follows:

    10th—> 68%

    overall—>71.30 48.06

    I need to know whether I should give the ph test again or will I get calls from companies with above credentials??

  • Rahul

    Chandini, nope it wont help you. The company that comes through Elitmus requires atleast a 70 percent in their academic schedule. Given your 12th mark, i dont think it will help you

  • sekhar

    Is it elitmus test sooooo tough as my some of my friends said it.Is it really in the range of CAT xam.I have prepared introductory material of CAT of all the topics.Will it be sufficient to write the test??????

  • Preeti

    Hi Mr. shane
    I need to know whether taking eLitmus test for me is worth or not. My academics marks are as below
    10th: 77%
    12th: 67%
    B.Tech: 70.3%

    Plz reply ASAP

    • Shane

      @Miss Preeti,

      I will recommend you to give Elitmus a try ….Do remember Elitmus has companies that demand over 70 percent in academics..

      And also there are few companies from elitmus that ask 65 percent…

      Given that you have 65 percent and above in your academics, you can give it a try…….

      But remember, the students who write Elitmus national wide are very competitive, scoring a percentile of 98 is not a tough matter for them.

      So i would request you to challenge yourself and work very hard and score atleast a percentile between 85 to 90

      Hey we have our personal facebook fan page..You can like us by visiting here

      • Preeti

        @Mr Shane
        I really appreciate your guidance…


        • Shane

          welcome preeti :)

          enjoy your time here

  • sekhar

    Is elitmus test sooooo tough as my some of my friends said it.Is it really in the range of CAT xam.I have prepared introductory material of CAT of all the topics.Will it be sufficient to write the test??????

    • Shane

      well to begin with, it is tough…

      Its good that you checked CAT question papers.

      It all depends on how you handle the question paper. Just relax and handle the paper and if you dont know any question, then dont waste your time on that and move onto other question

  • ankush

    I need to know that how much percentile i need in elitmus test so that i can get call from a good company. my academic marks are as below:
    i have scored 90 percentile in cat 2010.

    • Shane

      hey, I dont think Elitmus can offer you good companies..They are very strict in checking the minimum percentage…

      Given that you secured 60 percent. I dont think Elitmus can help you


    please please help me whether i can get any help from elitmus with the following scores-
    10th – 64 %
    12th – 67 %
    UG(B.Tech) – 69 %
    can it would be helpful for me to apply elitmus ph test.
    please give me response….i am waiting..

    • Shane

      I am not sure whether elitmus can offer you any assistance or not…. The Maximum companies elitmus offer requires atleast 70 percentage.

      If money is not a constraint to you, then i would recommend you to give it a try


    Hi am Jerin,
    I need to know whether taking eLitmus test for me is worth or not. My academics marks are as below
    10th: 86%
    12th: 81%
    B.Tech: 65%

    Plz reply…

  • chandu

    Sir, This is chandra.I have 90 in 10th 93 in 93.6 and 73+ in am 2010 passout and have no job.So, will industry considers 2010 passouts even still….and for the same will elitmus help me? Plz mention up to what duration 2010 passos will have scope for IT job.Thanks in advance…………….

    • Shane

      @Chandra, let me start by saying… Its still an early stage for you to consider that “Will IT industry recruit 2010 passed out”.

      IT companies always have demand for freshers. 2010 passed out candidates can be able to apply for a job until dec 2011 to april 2012.

      Dont worry dude.

      In case of elitmus, i think time is running very fast..They will favor 2010 passed out till april or may 2011 and after that they will consider 2011 passed outs.

      If you want to give a Elitmus test, then give it soon.

  • javed ali

    tell me where i got elitmus previous paper on net

    • Shane

      You cannot find the Elitmus paper on net…

      Every Exam Elitmus changes the paper

  • Karthik SN

    Hello i am karthik…

    Please suggest me whether elitmus test would help me for my following academis scores

    10th 92%
    12th 85.66%
    BE\BTECH 64.66%( till 7th sem)

    Am in final year now and am sure that i would make it 65% at the time of completion of the degree , so can i take the test now or shall i wait till i get the mark as 65% after completion of BE , please suggest me, waiting for your reply….

    • Shane

      @karthick, i will suggest you to wait until your exam results turn out.

      Elitmus usually checks your certificate and verifies the percentage at the exam hall…So better you do it later

  • naga

    Hello shane,
    do u have any informn about the type of questions asked in elitmus test.
    i am a fresher and want to give it a try.
    my percentages are:
    10th -89.89
    12th -90.6

    plse reply..

    • Shane

      I am not sure on how the exact questions will be like. But i will suggest you to study probability , Problem Solving, Verbal Questions….Apart from the above topics, also try to study all other topics

  • sowmya

    Hello Shane,
    I am a fresher and want to give a try for elitmus test.
    My percentages are-

    will it be helpful for me If take this test

    I kindly request you to reply soon…………………..

    • Shane

      @Sowmya, considering your academics i dont think Elitmus can guide you

  • manisha verma

    hi m manisha , my 10th percentage is 66 and 12th percentage is 61 and my percentage (till 6th sem) bcuz m prsuing then my percentage is 60%. so plz help me n plz contact to me

    • Shane

      @Manisha, i dont think Elitmus will be of any help to you…

  • laxmandilip

    my name is laxman
    my 10 th percenatge is 80
    and 12th is 87
    and BE is 74.10

    will elitmus help me

    • Shane

      @Laxmandilip, you have a very good academics… Attend the Elitmus exam and try to score higher percentile.

      Surely if you score a percentile between 85 to 95.. Elitmus can provide you very good paying companies

  • payal

    hie shane…..
    I am a 2010 batch passout and want to give a try for elitmus test.
    My percentages are-

    will it be helpful for me If take this test

    I kindly request you to reply soon…………………..

    • Shane

      I dont think Elitmus can help you..

  • lakshmi

    my 10th 79,12th 64, 63,can elitmus help me

  • Prasad

    My name is prasad..
    My acadamic percentage’s

    10th – 61%
    12TH – 73.4%
    Degree – 73%

    Will it be helful for me ?


    hi frnds
    I am a 2011 batch studentt and want to give a try for elitmus test.
    My percentages are-

    will it be helpful for me If take this test

    I kindly request you to reply soon…

  • Arup

    Hii My name is Arup….
    My HS score is 75%
    Secondary score is 83%
    btech grade point is 7.8 out of 10 …
    will it be helpful 4 me???

    • Shane

      @Arup, Yes it will be helpful for you

  • sarita

    hi im sarita
    my 10th,12th and btech score is 81%,67% & 71.5%
    will it helpful for me??
    please reply me soon

    • Shane

      Yes, although your 12th marks is below 67…Still Elitmus offers companies that also ask 65 and above…

      Score a high percentile in Elitmus test, and it will help you.

  • jasmine

    ma 10th %:90,12th 83 and btech 66.will it help me.plz rply

    • Shane

      Yes, you can attend the exam. But do remember, you may not be able to apply for all companies that Elitmus offers.

      Some companies expect 70 and above.

      But still you can apply for other companies that Elitmus offers provided you get a good percentile.

  • harish

    I have scored 88 in 10th
    80 in 12th
    and overall agree-gate of 72% and got a job in an Indian MNC through campus placement and am 6 months into my current job can i attend Elitmus test and will help me in getting a better job.

    • Shane

      hey, if the company which your working now is an MNC. I would recommend you to get an exp of atleast a year or 2.

      You can apply Elitmus anytime. Elitmus will ask you whether you are exp or not. If you provide an exp such as 6 months. That may not look convincing for them and the company will still term you as a fresher.

      I want to know the domain in which you are working with?

  • saranya

    my name is saran
    my 10 th percenatge is 89
    and 12th is 70
    and BE is 74

    will elitmus help me

    • Shane

      Yes, But you need to score an High Percentile

  • jasmine

    hiii…i want to attempt elitmus test.
    my 10th percentage is 92.6%
    my 12th is 88.9%
    my B.Tech is 76.4%
    My M.Tech is 8.66 cgpa.
    will it be helpful for me getting good job?

    • Shane

      yep, it will help you. if you score a percentile above 90 then i am sure that you will get good company calls from Elitmus

  • krishna

    my 10th percentage-77%
    12th= 84.6%
    can elitmus help me?

  • shashi kant

    hi im Shashi Kant
    my 10th,12th and btech score is 66%,68% & 63%
    will it helpful for me??
    please reply me soon

  • Manju

    Hi I’m Manju,
    My HS & PU Score is 58.24% & 51.16%
    And BCA Aggregate Score is 76.72%
    Will elitmus help me?

    Pls Reply.

    • Shane

      i dont think Elitmus will help you

  • ujjwal

    m Ujjwal Ajit
    My marks are as follows:
    10th :83%
    12th :70.6%
    B.E(IT) :69.31%
    Currently m working in a service based compnay of indi
    which is an MNC..
    will elitmus help me?

    • Shane

      Surely it will help you provided you get a high percentile

  • Amit Kumar

    hi, want to attempt elitmus test.
    my 10th percentage is 63.3%
    my 12th is 59.6%
    my B.Tech is 67.7%
    will it be helpful for me getting job?
    plz reply me soon.

    • Shane

      Nope. I dont think it can help you

  • anshu

    dude hi,
    my class 10(icse) % is 71.6
    12th(isce) % is 79
    b.e(ece) is 64.2

    what are my chances of landing a good job if i appear for elitmus…….???

    • Shane

      @anshu, i cannot give you any rough chances buddy. I would still recommend you to give elitmus test ( if money is not a constraint for you)

      Your College score is nearly 65. i am not sure whether elitmus can help you.

      Give it a shot :P

  • udit

    10% : 88.2
    12% : 92.4
    btech: 73.7

    what bout me??

    i have got campus placement in HCL tech (at 3.25 lpa).
    can i get better opportunities by taking elitmus???
    (m not at all happy wid HCL :( )

    • Shane

      @Udit, You got a good academics. Yeah definitely Elitmus can help you if you have an higher percentile of 90 and above in the PH test.

      My Suggestions:

      Although today being a fresher it seems that one may get a job easily, in reality its not so.
      You can get into a company through On Campus, but trust me its very hard to get a job through Off Campus.

      In additional, getting into a reputed company is very risky these days with the annual package you have mentioned.

      Elitmus has thousands of students taking up exam every time with more number of kids scoring more than 95 percentile. No hard feelings, but leaving a gold which you have in hand in search of treasure is dumb in my view.

      What i would suggest you is that, NEVER leave the oppurtunity in hand cause trust me in future you may regret on it.

      You do the Elitmus test and meanwhile join HCL. The score which you get through Elitmus is valid till 2 years. If you secured a good score then you can go forward and attend companies provided by Elitmus . Or if you score a low score, then your not at a loss cause you are already in a top 5 company in India


    10 IS 70%, DIP 81.96 BE(EEE) 63

    • Shane

      @Sreejit, give it a shot ….But be prepared and score a gud percentile.

  • vikash

    my 10th(bseb)72.14
    12th (biec)61.11 (it)up to 7th sem 78.4
    how elitmus helpful me????????????

    • Shane

      well, your 12th is below 65 buddy, if money is not a constraint for you then i would recommend you to give Elitmus a shot

  • Nagaraj

    I got 76 in Class,71 in class 12 and 54 in BE(computer Science).Will Elitmus help me???how much should my percentile should be if it does help???
    my % is very low what should i do to get into a MNC???

    • Shane

      i am sorry, i dont think Elitmus can help you.. Your academics is low

  • karan

    my 10th(bseb)62.8
    12th (biec)66.44 (it)up to 7th sem 7.32
    how elitmus is helpful for me??????????

    • Shane

      well, your academic is little low in my view, if money is not a constraint then i would recommend you to give Elitmus a shot

  • Chinna rao

    Hey shane…
    My acads are
    b.e. Electrical and electronics 71.77…
    After writing my elitmus:
    1.What kind of companies can i expect?
    2.And is there any chance of getting a core job?

    • Shane

      Elitmus has ties with 90 companies to view it Click here You can expect the companies given in the list above.

      In reply for your 2 nd question, it depends… If you need a job in your specialization, then you need to watch out for the interviews elitmus has to offer. For instance you may feel the company which elitmus is offering is of software type but they may also have separate dep for EEE.

      Before attending the interview , i would suggest you to go and have a deep look at its profile and requirements

  • raj

    my marks are
    10th 82.6
    12th 56.8
    b tech 69.7(ECE)
    is elitmus helpful 4 me???

    • Shane

      i dont think it can help you

  • abhishek kumar

    10th marks 57%,12th 78% 66%(up to 7 th sem ) is elitmus helpful 4 me???

    • Shane

      I dont think Elitmus can help you

  • shilpa

    my 10th(bseb)75.4
    12th (biec)67.2 (it) 8.18
    how elitmus is helpful for me??????????

    • Shane

      Yep, you try out Elitmus.. if you get high percentile then you will be getting good companies from elitmus

  • Prashant

    Hi friends,
    I am 2010 passout
    My 10th % is 75.86%
    12th is 77.17%
    an BE( computer) 57% aggregate and in final 62% first class
    will ph test help me.

  • anish

    my academics are
    10th %age-82.4
    12th %age-73.4
    Btech(cse)-65% upto 7th sem…
    but i am having one backlog which will be cleared when i ll complete with my 8th sem.I am currently attending the classes of backlog.. would elitmus be beneficial for me ?

  • shilpa

    i registar and pay money to appear in exam of 13 march.but want to change this date to other like it possible?
    how many time i appear in the exam of elitmus?
    pls rep me soon??

  • kundan

    hey shane
    my 10th is 89
    12th is 67.8
    B.E is 72
    will e litmus help
    if yes then what should be the range of percentile
    reply soon its urgent
    i need it

    • Shane

      Yes, Elitmus can help you.

      With regards to percentile, accordingly Elitmus official website claims that Each candidate who has a percentile of 70 or above will get an interview call.

      Which i agree with.

      But the problem arise when the top companies hire.

      For instance Elitmus has 90 companies with it , in which 10 companies are greatest companies to work with. In this case, people with 70 percent will be allowed for the interview but people with 90 or above percentile will be given a real chance.

      In the end, i would frame it this way.

      70 or Above percentile— Chance to get interview
      80 or Above percentile— better chance
      90 or above—- High chance of getting interview call
      95 or above— Sure change of getting interview call