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How to safeguard your privacy online?

The Internet that has become so common today has seen millions of users using it day by  day.

Thanks to social networking sites like Facebook,Myspace the rate of new users is going rapid high.

Remember, whatever you type as a comment or any suggestions, everything is recorded by the Cyber Crime department which the US government has given full rights to monitor any individual, using the name of  safety.

So how to preserve your privacy online? Here’s a wonderful tips which i  found in


  1. Be very careful about what you reveal. Just a few facts about yourself such as your birth date and your zip code can be enough to reveal who you are. Your public profiles at sites such as Facebook and MySpace may reveal more information to the technologically savvy than you realize.
  2. Be aware that software programs may reveal who you are or what you do based on your friends list on a social network site. Something seemingly innocent like a list of movies you like or songs you love may identify you in some situations.
  3. Keep in mind that nothing really goes away once it’s on the Internet. The revealing photos, the snarky comments, the complaints about your boss–those things live forever once they are in cyberspace. Think about the implications of what you are doing before you post a photo or a comment.
  4. Learn how to clear the cookies from your computer. In Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Delete Browsing History. There you can delete both History and Cookies. In Safari go to Preferences > Security > Show Cookies > Remove All.
  5. Be sure to erase your browsing history and cookies before you log off on a computer in a public location such as a library.
  6. Make sure you are using a secure network when you send sensitive information such as banking passwords or credit card numbers. Don’t use open wireless networks in coffee shops for sensitive data. Be sure that your transmission is protected by a firewall, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or other safeguard. Also make sure that the site you are on is a secure site. You can tell this quickly by looking for https:// in the location bar. The “s” following the “http” indicates that the site is secure

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