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Stay Alive(2006)

Stay Alive(2006)

Stay Alive(2006)

Stay Alive(2006) is a Horror, Thriller movie released on  24th march 2006. This film in based on the entire different concept of horror involving Future generation game. In simple, Stay Alive is  “Survive the horror of the game and stay Alive”.

Detailed Information:
The movie starts with a mysterious murder of a person after playing the game called Stay Alive. The death of the person was exactly the same as he die in the game. The hero of the movie “Hutch” seems broke down by his close friend death. He gets the possessions of his death friend in which he discovers the game.

Along with Hutch, few other Game lovers decides to play the game. The game gives creep at start. Playing after a few hour, one of the friend dies in the game and the next day he dies for real. This incidents makes the other people freaked. And then the story begins of how they manage to survive the death and Stay Alive.

The mystery gets solved when they discover the wherabouts of the game developed place and about  an evil woman living early 17th century who used to kill people and drink their blood to remain young.

Whats interesting point of the movie is that, it takes the game experience along with the real world.And mingling the two was a real good concept. But it not that good a horror movie according to critics. Well, its Worth a try to watch.

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