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Prince of Persia the sands of time movie review

Prince of Persia the sands of time is the movie version of the popular game Prince of persia the sands of time.

I dont know where to start on this movie . The trailer looks damn amazing as well as cool  and  Posters looks great.As a Prince of  Persia fan let me try to tell you what we can expect from the movie .

 The Persian kingdom is very wealthy and prosporous land. The prince, the lone son of the maharaja is very good swordman. The game moves to the plot where prince will accidently release the Sands of time. Yep friends, the sands of time that gives the person to travel back in time and cool stuff like that.

The sands release will occur when Prince of persia   travel to India on his personal duty.Prince also learns  about a evil vajir and finds the plot of the vajirs plan to use the sands against them to capture and rule  the Earth.

And so the game goes on the prince journey that continues till the vajir is destroyed.

Well folks the thing to note is the review which i gave above is purely based on the Prince of persia the sands of time game. The movie on the other end looks entirely different.

One of the film pics shows prince to be half sand monster and half prince which is the exact scenario of the third game Prince of persia and the two thrones where prince will be contaminated by sands. And this CONFUSES ME. To be honest, i myself have played the 2 version of prince game , that is, Prince of persia the warrior within ( 2nd game) and  prince of persia  The two thrones (3rd game).

Damn i missed the first part, well so what i will watch the movie and see how is it.. The movie is scheduled to be released on May  28, 2010

To view the trailer for the movie Prince of persia and the sands of time

click here

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  • Online Stream

    I watched this movie on and serious this is one of the best movies of 2010 so far, Very well adapted by the game, and it never disappoints the fans of Prince of Persia