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Nikki Catsouras car crash photos still a big issue online

Nikki CatsourasThe Nikki Catsouras car crash photos is a nightmare to an individual. Yes it is!!! Although it happened years ago, people never forget it. Now it is again in the top of Google’s hot trending searches. Why is it always coming back to haunt the parents of Nikki Catsouras?

I guess it is because people are naturally curious about death and such tragic death as that of Nikki Catsouras has a magical power that can hold any human being. The death of Nikki in that car crash reminds us all how life can just suddenly vanish in a split second.

Two California Highway Patrol officers are suspected of leaking the photos online for a nice deal of money. I think they have made fun of disclosing such a  tragic accident photos.

But maybe this  photo will be an example for the young aged to be more careful when it come to Life.

I have never seen such a accident photos. Very gruesome to speak on. I purposefully  not posted photos. I am posting two outside photos.

Nikki Catsouras Car WreckPorschewreck

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  • eronne

    It is really disappointed how irresponsible the two CPH are. How could they regard this tragic matter as a joke? With a 18-year-old girl leaving, the parents must have gotten through a great sadness, and until now again and again the matter bring new pain to them.

  • Slyguy threeonetwonine

    You are forgetting that she killed other people before she hit the tollbooth. She is a criminal, and therefore has no rights to privacy. She also *stole* the keys to the Porchse. Its little things like this story that make Karma such a beautiful thing. And certainly more beautiful than this girl ever was.