Tribute To Michael Jackson
This is it! I am getting sick of all the bad news surrounding the King of Pop Michael Jackson’s death. After reading and posting about the leaked autopsy reports, I came across pictures of Michael Jackson taken just the day before he died, during his rehearsals. He seems in perfact shape, he is not skeletal as described in the ‘leaked’ reports. Today morning when I opened up my newspaper the front page flashed with Michael Jackson’s news that Deborah Jeanne Rowe Michael Jackson’s second wife has revealed to the media that Michael Jackson’s did not father Prince and Paris.
Shocked, I began scramble the internet to find the source. The news paper just mentioned it as it was reported by DailyMail. But I couldn’t find such an article in DailyMail. Finally I found a blog that had posted about it and also provided a link to the DailyMail, but on clicking the link I was redirected to ‘article not found’ error page. I went back to the blog to continue reading and at the bottom they mentioned that the article was removed from DailyMail and that Deborah Rowe hasn’t spoken to any reporter except some guy, sorry but I don’t remember his name and he confirmed that she didn’t mention anything like that.
I just couldn’t belive what has happening within minutes this news would have already flooded the internet. Just because of the DailyMail’s selfish reasons to make some cash they tarnished the image of Micheal Jackson.
Thats it! I am through with all this, I am going to remember Michael Jackson just the way I want to. I don’t care what the media ‘thinks’ he is.
Too bad we don’t have Jackson right now to clear things up for us.
RIP Michael Jackson
Below is the photo taken on 24th June 2009, Michael Jackson rehearsing for the O2 Concert.

Michael Jackson june 23 2009 rehearsing