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Michael Jackson was Working on a Movie!

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

Thats what People has reported. People has reported that Michael Jackson was at work on movie about foster kids. It looks like Michael Jackson was preparing to make his debut as a moviemaker after signing-up to co-direct and finance a drama about foster childred just 3 months before his death.

Producer and filmmaker pal Bryan Michael Stoller is the one who broke out this news to the People. Stoller says Jackson agreed to be his partner in the film company Magic Shadows and they were preparing to co-direct “They Cage the Animals at Night,” a project they worked on the last seven years.

Stoller says the movie, based on a 1985 autobiography by author Jennings Michael Burch, was the brainchild of Jackson, who wanted to highlight the plight of foster kids because he felt he could relate to their circumstances. Especially the ones whose money-grubbing foster fathers pushed them and their siblings into showbiz at 5 years old

Stoller said “Michael told me often he felt like he grew up as an orphan, like a foster kid, because he never was in one home. To him every hotel was like a different foster home. He said he used to sit in the window and see kids playing outside and cry because he couldn’t be part of that.”

But Jackson had no plans to step in front of the camera again, said Stoller. “He was very excited about making movies and wanted his hands on everything, from working

Stroller has also video taped the meetings between him and Michael Jackson and is apparently trying to make some money off it by turning it into a documentry. I think the main reason he came out with this news is after seeing Sony bidding $50 Million for Michael Jackson’s last reharsal footage. Stroller thought he can also cash out from his video tapes of Michael Jackson.

Looks like Michael Jackson’s death was very untimely and he was definetly not prepared to die. With all the plans and concerts he was due, his death eventually caught him.

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